Golden CircleIndex | Time Under Chaos | Concerning Amber | The Golden Circle There are 14 in Golden Circle shadows in total. Three Golden Circle Shadows fought very loyally for Amber and were destroyed (in effect) by the Chaosians: Caladon, Deiga, and Saloun. Saloun has been rebuilt. Two Shadows that supported Chaos have been brought into the Golden Circle to replace the lost ones: Ghenesh and Mitanni. Aegea - Clytemnestra's shadow - tba Ægypt - Empire that remained neutral during PatternFall Begma - Survived the PatternFall War, Civil War and Cold War with Kashfa. Caladon - Destroyed in the war. Deiga- Destroyed in the war. Eregnor - Satellite of Kashfa. Gaiga - Reserved Ghenesh - Restored to the Golden Circle after the war. Kashfa - Emerging powerhouse of the Golden Circle. Mallihk - Member in good standing of the Golden Circle. Mitanni - Elevated to the Golden Circle after the war. Persa and Etrusca - Survivors of the conflict. Variath - Pleasure shadow and den of snakes. |