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Persa and Etrusca

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Persa and Etrusca

Head of State: Caliph Nasir ibn Rashid
Technology: Early Medieval
Government: Caliph headed military.
Style: Middle Eastern/Islamic
Representative: Caliph Nasir ibn Rashid

There is an early medieval Middle Eastern / Islamic feel to Persa, there is a love for grand and intricate architecture, sensual music and art, silks and textiles and spicy and sublime cuisine. It was once a patriarchal societies with women theoretically the property of their fathers or husbands, but over the space of several decades and an open minded Caliph, this has changed. Polygamy, in this case, the taking of several wives, is common, though women are free to leave one man in favor of another. Food production, including farming, ranching and herding is in the hands of the settled peasantry and nomadic herders; in the towns, less-attractive jobs are done by slaves. The culture permits slavery, while (theoretically)ensuring that slaves are not treated too badly.

Art, music and architecture are refined and skillful, if stylized. Science and philosophy also achieve much, but they eventually become frozen. There is a widespread belief in magic; this mostly involves the djin/jinn --powerful, intelligent beings, who may be good but who are more often tricky to deal with, but those who do find favor with them are favored for life. Most powerful of all is fate; good or bad luck shows no respect for persons. All is in the hands of the Djin/Jinn. Chief among them currently is Nel'Enni

Persa is like a page out of A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, with its viziers, Sultans, sheiks and dervishes. The traditional architecture of the great buildings includes great golden teardrop domes that shine in the blazing sun, and whitewashed plastered walls, most lavishly painted with scenes of great teachers, myths and home life. Persa is ruled by a well-regulated military establishment, ruled, ultimately by the Caliph of Kafar, from the beautiful capital province.

Because of the scarcity of stone for building materials, most structures are built with a kind of cement brick made of sand and lime and mud, supported with the beams from Lebanon-like trees, forests of which are abundant in the Northern provinces.

Life is regulated by both tradition and by law. And though there are more recognized classes than in the culture, movement between the classes is much less likely. Only by great fortune does one of the lower classes find recognition in a higher class.

The mountainous regions contain extensive areas of forest, including large stands of cork oak, evergreen oak, juniper, cedar, fir, Lebanon and pine. Except for areas under cultivation, the plains are usually covered with scrub brush and alfalfa grass.

Persa has a rich diversity of wildlife including gazelle, wild boar, panther, wild goat, baboon, fox, rabbit, otter, squirrel and horned viper. Of special note are the wild sahalans a.k.a. manticores. Their horses are exceptional and have been the chosen horses of the Rangers of Arden through an exclusive arrangement with Prince Julian set centuries ago. Later Julian would point Eric their way to supply the forces of Amber.

Persa is rich in minerals, including cobalt, molybdenum, zinc, copper, tin, gold and silver. Persa also boasts one of the richest diamond, sapphire and ruby mine fields in a hundred Shadows, easily dwarfing the richest mines of a place like South Africa.

Former ruler Rashid had strong ties to Amber and therefore felt compelled to side with them during the conflict with Chaos. Despite his very polite rebuff of Mandor's attempts to sway him, he was honor-bound to Amber. It cost him his life at the head of the army, as well as many of those under him. The riches of Persa was all that stood between its continued existence and the Shadow's destruction under the fury of Chaos?.

Nasir ibn Rashid, Caliph of Persa, is the current ruler and his harem includes wives from many shadows. While he maintains the trade agreements set up by his father with the rest of the Golden Circle, and the new agreements with those currently in Amber, he will not let the rich culture of his land be lost in a flurry of outside influence. He quietly suffers the indignity of a Chaos watcher in his Court as a result of his father's alliances.

Nasir chooses to get around either on his favorite horse, Zephyr, or take a flying carpet - a gift from the Djin to mark his status as Favored. Around his neck is the Star of Arabia, a large sapphire that is said to possess magical qualities of its own.

Shadow Persa holds more than just the Arabic cities it is most known for. Deep in the hinterlands rise the Seven Sisters, the Mountains of Etrusca. An uneasy peace exists between Persa and Etrusca. There is truthfully little that they want that the other has, but it is the eternal struggle for land that keep them at odds. As long as They stay on Their side, the wary peace remains.

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Head of State: None.
Technology: Late Iron Age/Early Medieval
Government: Elder Council
Style: Ancient Mediterranean
Diplomatic Representative: Cutu Papathnas

Etrusca is a mountainous realm of cities built into cliffsides and under mountains that are home to the peaceful people who prize family and the land above all else. The seven cities, named for their mountains, are: Shelba, Prato, Tarchun, Padan, Tuscania, Hadria, and Vulci.

Under the mountains wind easily defended sprawling cities that are protected from harsh winters are cool in the summer and natural springs, fed from the mountain snows provide them with pure water year round. Light is provided by a system of polished mirrors and hidden skylights. Their cities are colorful to make up for the lack of natural light. Frescos depict figures vibrant with life, often dancing or playing musical instruments. Birds or animals on many of these intermingle with the human figures, who usually look strong and healthy and full of the joy of life. The little birds and other figures from nature somehow do not seem out of place or look like mere decorations, but lend a natural harmony to the finished work.

Over the centuries, various invaders, mostly the Persans, have tried attacking the people of Etrusca, laying siege to their cities, only to find their forces decimated by the mountain winter and unable to wait out people whose water supply cannot be cut off and who have untold stores of food stockpiled in cool caves.

Crops are grown on tiered hillsides and include rice, grapes, wheat and barely and the mountain forests are populated by deer, elk, goats and a plethora of game fowl as well as timber, olives and wild berries.

Etrusca is famous for Tarchun swords, their jewelers, and pottery - two cities, Tuscania and Vulci, are devoted to the craft of sword making. The city of Shelba is rich with silver that is mined from the very mountain they live under and crafted by masters in Tuscania and Padan into magnificent pieces. The potters of Hadria and Prato produce some of the finest example of hand thrown pottery anywhere. But what raises a man from getting by to fabulously wealthy overnight is finding and selling a Tear.

Tears of the Singers are small tear shaped crystals that are the Swan Song of the mountain dwelling creatures known as the Singers. When these shy and elusive creatures are ready to die, they take themselves apart from their pack and sing their farewells. The song is joined by others that hear it and the combined result has been known to drive the weak minded mad with grief. For this reason, the final resting place is never known before the final death, for men will flee the area to escape the haunting, beautiful song. Those rare individuals that have heard it and survived unscathed, never forget it.

When the creature lays down to die, a tear, the only tear shed in its lifetime, falls to the ground in the form of these jewels. As jewelry they are singularly beautiful and are highly prized and become heirlooms. Several Tears can be strung together like windchimes, and the sounds they make are music on the wind, otherworldly and haunting. It is said that the iridescent surface of the Tears, when focused on, can bring visions to the bearer and the music of the chimes is believed to produce tranquil dreams. A single Tear can calm a worried mind and turbulant emotional states.

Tear hunters scour the mountains of Estrusca at varying times a year searching for one small shining crystal among the rocky crags and caves of the Northern mountain range. Tears are jealously guarded and the methods of finding them a closely kept secret. The Singers themselves are rarely seen alive by others and killing one only results in a treasureless death.

Unlike the other kingdoms of the Golden Circle, Etrusca doesn't have a King or central government. Each of the seven cities is ruled by an Elder and four times a year, these Elders choose one of the cities to meet in and discuss the Shadow's future and current state. It is at that time that any visitors with business for the Council are seen.

Etraca's wish to remain out of the conflict of the war was quickly turned into a fervent desire to side with the forces of Chaos? when Mandor himself appeared before their emergency session bearing a handful of the fabled Tears - an obscene amount of their most treasured and guarded resource to be in one place, held by a stranger who had just walked in. Against someone who could collect more with his Logrus and not leave the room, the Etruscans dare not stand. As a show of good faith, Mandor returned the Tears to the Council. Back to Top

Page last modified on January 16, 2007, at 09:53 PM