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The Kingdom of Begma

Index | Time Under Chaos | Concerning Amber | The Golden Circle | Begma

Head of State: Queen Kristina
Tech: Steampunk
Gov: Monarchal democracy
Style: Hapsburg Empire
Representative: Countess Emilia Rodkonski

Once-mighty Begma stands as a reflection of the upheaval felt across Shadow as internal and external forces have conspired to bring her to her knees. Still she loudly protests her claims to neighbouring Eregnor, but having sided with Amber, that affair seems to have been decisively decided in favour of Kashfa. For information on Begma at its height, see here

Much of the backbone of Begma's infrastructure remains, as strenuous efforts have been made to keep it intact. Oddly, even rebels and insurgents have such pride in their transport system they have seemed reluctant to damage it, restricting targeted actions to buildings and military installations. The rebel threat in Begma is very real, as they are ably led by one known only as "The Hooded Man"(most likely Caine). Successive governments and Chaosian general have failed to contain the insurgency, and outside of the cities the greater part of Begma is held by rebels loyal to Amber.

The sporadic interventions by Chaosian nobles eager to make a name for themselves has been far from glorious. Begmans are a proud people, and the arrival of foreign forces is never greeted with joy. It always spells trouble for the native government, as popular opinion turns against them whenever perceived invaders come trampling on their sensibilities. This was especially true of one recent expedition, which took the ill-judged step on using Kashfan mercenaries. Riots spread throughout the capital and the army was forced to withdraw without fighting an engagement.

Politics in Begma has become a dangerous occupation. Officially, the King of Begma is head of the government, supported by the High Parliament and regional chambers. Since the dissolution of the regional chambers (which were thought of as centres of sedition), much of the system has broken down, to be replaced by what amounts to a military dictatorship. Even the royal family is split; those members not killed in the wars or assassinated are hiding in exile or seen as Chaosian puppets. After the murder of King Olaf during the Kashfan riots, his young daughter Kristina was the crowned head of government, though real power flows through Prime Minister Nayda, widely seen as a traitor due to her intimacy with Rinaldo? and Kashfa. Her apparent agelessness and use of sorcery has only added fuel to this, though all attempts to murder her have thus far been foiled.

Aside from being Parliament's representative, Nayda is also said to be the head of the hated Begman security services, the SSP, which represent the real front line in Begma's civil war. SSP stands for "Sword and Shield of the Party", the party being the Nationalists who control the Parliament and give the military their veneer of legitimacy. Needless to say, Mandor has had a great deal of involvement in the development and training of the SSP and the deployment of innovative tactics and equipment. They are now one of the foremost intelligence/counter-intelligence agencies in the Golden Circle and are greatly feared. It is suspected that they have infiltrated as far afield as Eregnor and Kashfa, though this is hotly disputed by both governments.

Much of Begma's trade has collapsed, due to Kashfa's dominance of the seas and the loss of outlets in Eregnor. It is essentially a land-locked realm, and has become more insular and isolationist since Amber's fall. Whereas once educated young men would aspire to travel, to start a new business or to join the church, they now want to join the military alone, from which all wealth and power now flow. Streets which once thronged with the chatter of tourists now echo to the march of lines of grey-uniformed, grey faced troops, reminding the citizens of the reality of their current plight.

Page last modified on July 19, 2007, at 09:17 PM