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Index | Time Under Chaos | Player Characters | Clytemnestra

Age: Twenties
Home Shadow: Aegea
Parents: Mandor of house Sawall, Fiona of Amber
Siblings: Helena (twin)

Blonde hair, medium height, with a more athletic than voluptuous build, though her physical conditioning seems to enhance rather than detract from the curves of her shape. Ness's eyes are a startling light blue, almost ice blue, and her hair is a golden blonde that tends to curl and kink up if care is not taken to straighten it. Her face is cherubic, with wide innocent eyes, a small nose, and full lips, the face from which all the cheerleaders you've ever jealously hated are but shadows.

Someone once described Halle Berry thus: "When she greets people, sometimes they laugh. She's so beautiful that it surprises them, and they don't know how to handle it." This would be a good description for Ness.

She has light skin, which tans to a golden bronze at best, and she's learned Flora's trick of being the best-dressed and made-up girl in the room. She favors clothing styles from her home shadow of Aegea, so tends to wear light-colored dresses and sandals when she takes her ease.

Clytemnestra is a golden-haired, golden-skinned Greek goddess, and she knows it.

Trump description:
A beautiful blonde-haired woman stares out at you from the next card. She is turned partially away, looking back over her shoulder. She is wearing a diaphanous white gown, contrasting starkly with the light golden color of her skin. A shining gold necklace draws attention to the long line of her neck, and flowers are worked into the exquisite style of her curly hair. Equal parts of beauty and mystery radiate out with the coldness of the card. Would you call upon her?

Ness comes from Aegea, a shadow of ocean and sun and temperate climes, a place of Greek architecture and lifestyle. Her island was actually a double island, the light side ruled by humans and their gods, then a narrow isthmus connecting it to a darker island full of magic and monsters. She is an expert in the courtly graces, and from her conversation has spent a lot of time in distant shadows. She uses her looks, her charm, and her skills to get what she wants (and generally puts in disfavor those who stand in her way). She acknowledges that she is a daughter of Fiona, but has distanced herself from both Merlin and Mandor; if it could be said that she has a friend in Amber, it would be Florimel. Clytemnestra is good at the court game, and often finds herself an interested third party between factions. Officially, however, she is known to favor the situation as it exists now...

Hotseat for Clytemnestra

The First Time: A very short background story about how Clytemnestra became who she is.

Time Under ChaosPlayer Characters

Page last modified on October 22, 2008, at 12:02 PM