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Hotseat for Clytemnestra

Index | Time Under Chaos | Player Characters | Clytemnestra | Hotseat for Clytemnestra

You are truly a pleasing-looking fixture in the Court of Amber and your smile often makes the tedium of a visit much lighter.

Why, thank you. I do try. *the smile appears and lights up the room*

Still, Amber is not the center of the Universe, and in a sense, neither is Chaos. If you were to take a vacation, alone, away from both poles, where would you go, and why?

That's a difficult question, really. I do enjoy spending time in Aegea, not only because it's my home, but because things there are so... perfect. But you might say that a shadow in the Golden Circle is cheating... I suppose I'd look for a place that fit my interests. A place of wild beauty, where culture was appreciated and there was a plethora of art and music to admire.

What would you say to those who blame your mother for the fate which has befallen her homeland?

I'd say they were mistaken. Some of them, ignorant. Mother worked with the rest of the family to stop Brand. Let the critics sit from her perspective and deal with all that she's had to deal with. Then, perhaps, they'd be fit to judge her.

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

That's a blink of an eye to us, darling. I expect to be here, doing what I do now, enriching the lives of others.

You grew up on an island divided between two distinct powers. Do you feel that aids you in understanding occupied Amber?

I -do- often find myself in the middle. *smiles for no particular reason*

Yes, I feel that this gives me a unique opportunity to see both sides of a disagreement. I am often asked my opinion when there's some minor conflict.

Where do you get your hair done in Amber?

I'll be happy to take you. We can spend an afternoon and enjoy ourselves. Are you familar with the term 'hairgasm'?

Tell about your friendship with Florimel.

There's so much to say there... Aunt Flora took me under her wing almost when I arrived. Two birds of a feather, as they say. I occasionally hear people making disparaging remarks about her. They're wrong, of course. There's a woman who knows how to wrap society around her little finger. I hope I can be more like her, someday.

What do you think of your twin?

How did you.. never mind. I haven't seen my sister since I was very, very little. We were as close as twins could be. I hope to see her again someday. I understand the situation that keeps us apart, but I also have the patience to know that time is an illusion. We will see one another again. I know that wherever she is, Helena is strong and smart and beautiful.

Where did you grow up? Amber, or Aegea?

I stayed in Amber for a little time, then was fostered in Aegea, then returned when I was 18. I still visit Aegea whenever I can. The people there are so... *shivers and sighs*

What has caused the rift between you and your parents, and why did you choose Florimel as a role model?

*her expression clouds*

Distance is the reason that I haven't seen Mother. That's politics. Someday, things will change, and there will be more chances to be with her. Now, Father... well. He knows what he said. I am who I am, and I feel how I feel. If he wants to apologize to me, he knows how to find me. I doubt that will ever happen. Until then, I try to stay out of his way.

Page last modified on November 22, 2006, at 02:20 AM