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Countess Rodkonski of Begma

Index | Time Under Chaos | Non-Player Characters | Non-Canonical NPCs | Emilia Rodkonski

"I'm sorry," Emilia added apologetically. "I thought all the Ambassadors had mistresses. Sometimes they take them to the opera - and they wear so many jewels that it's quite dazzling. Are you really not allowed to take a Begman one? That does seem cruel ."

The Begman Ambassador, a tall and stately blonde woman, known as the Countess Rodkonski (and rumoured to have been a mistress of Prince Bleys in earlier years) has weathered the political storms of her home nation and prospered where others have failed. Her smile is warm and friendly, with a hint of lurking mischief. A 'delicate minx in porcelain' was how Bleys once described her, and he would know. The Rodkonski clan have survived successive waves of purges in their homeland, one of which lead to Emilia's over-protective uncle getting her appointment as Begman Ambassador to Amber, away from the constant feuding at home. She had learned politics the hard way, and it was a good education for an extended stay in the hothouse of Merlin's court. A royalist to the bones, Emilia has been supportive of Queen Kristina from the outset. Her regular trips to her homeland are not just to stock up on her favourite Begman wine, but to bolster the Queen's morale and swap the latest gossip with a woman who has become more of a friend than a social superior. This association has helped Emilia deflect those petitioners who would rather see someone less efficient and more politically neutral take her place.

Page last modified on July 20, 2007, at 01:56 PM