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Wolf Whistles

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"And I don't doubt you can take care of yourself, but still, even Five Corners isn't someplace for a lady to be wandering my herself," Jurt admonished. "If you'd allow, I'll be happy to show you around for a little while."

He smiled at her, almost hopefully.

Tasha's wide-eyed surprise didn't conceal her delight. With a touch of pink in her cheeks she nodded her head, and replied a bit breathily, "That would be wonderful. Where shall we go first?"

"A wonderful question," Jurt agreed. His eyes colored his question, "What would you like to see? If you can make yourself presentable enough and we need not return here before dinner, it expands our possibilities."

"Oh, Tanstaafl helped me. I have the dress all picked out. It will only take me a moment to change," Tasha beamed at Jurt for a second and then hurried off to change.

True to her word, it was only a moment before she returned. The cream-colored evening dress slipped silkily around her, showing off her figure to great advantage. She swirled around, so completely non-self-conscious, and smiled at Jurt hopefully. "Is this all right?" "Tanstaafl helped, eh?" Jurt chuckled. "I suppose I'll have to thank him," he added with a slow lazy grin. The King's brother offered his arm to her and asked, "Shall we then?"

He led her back toward the street in a hope that perhaps Morgan had left the carriage. "I'll admit, I was surprised... pleased, but surprised to see you when I arrived at Despil's. Is your grandmother well?"

The carriage was still there; Morgan must have realised they would need it more than he would.

Tasha's eyes clouded a moment, "She was, when I last saw her. But I understand that time moves," she paused, with a touch of sadness, "differently in Shadow and what was only a few years to me in Chaos...." her voice faded unable to say that a dozen or more may have passed in Darkmoore. It only came to reason that her "older" Siblings who had remained in Chaos were only children while she was already a grown woman. To change the subject back to a more pleasurable tone she admitted, "I was also very surprised to see you at Lord Despil's... I had no idea you were... I mean that you are.... who you are." She blushed, quite prettily.

"We're all but who we are, Tasha," he said while he gave her a hand up into the carriage. "I'd think that to receive an invitation from my brother, you must've discovered who you are. I'd love the chance to discover that for myself." His words were heavy with suggestion, bold but not lewd. At least he didn't think they were.

Tasha frowned with a touch of confusion, and shrugged, "I'm just me. I know my family is quite influential, so perhaps the invitation was simply to appease House Minobee in some way." She wasn't completely naïve. She knew she had been chosen, raised in shadow, for some purpose -- perhaps to come to Amber just as she now had, but she was not sure it really had anything to do with her, personally. But for whatever purpose she had been sent, or invited, to Amber, she was going to try to make the most of it. "But I really am looking forward to studying at the University. Tear has already been telling me about all the classes I might want to take." She smiled with enthusiasm.

She slid over on the seat, making room for Jurt beside her.

Jurt seemed pleased to sit beside her and unconcerned with the possible scandal of sitting so close to her. He begged her pardon and ordered the driver to the City Gardens. Turning his attention back to Tasha, he assured her, "I think you sell yourself short, but I will agree to disagree... For now."

"What *are* your interests?" he asked, again the subtle innuendo offered if she chose to acknowledge it. "Anything in particular that you'd like to study? Derivations of folk tales where the Wolf wins seemed to be a strength if I remember well enough."

Tasha laughed, and then blushed again. "I think one of the things I'd like to study is dreams..." she hesitated and looked at Jurt a moment before going on, "I have had some odd ones, as far back as I can recall. The last several have been particularly... Realistic. And since you would mention wolves... I know my family has a history in that regard, so I don't expect it to be very surprising, but yes, the dreams do seem to flow in that vein." She licked her lips as if recalling one in particular and catching herself, blushed again, this time in embarrassment.

"Is there an prescience in the line?" Jurt asked, not calling attention to her blush. "Your grandmother seemed a wise woman, but was she also a Wisewoman?"

"The woman you and I knew as my Gram... wasn't." Tasha sighed. "She fostered me, but she couldn't have cared for me more than if she had been my true grandmother." Tasha stated in her defense. "I'm afraid I've only had a few years to learn my real family's History and I'm sure there are still secrets I'm unaware of, but prescience... in my family line? Not that I'm aware. But then again, I am finding there are a lot of things of which I am unaware."

A more than warm smile crossed Jurt's lips as he laid his hand atop hers. "Well, if there's any part of your education that I can play a role in, please feel free to ask."

"Oh, that would be wonderful!" Tasha beamed. "Please, tell me about Amber. You've lived her for a while... What do I need to know?"

The chuckle at her innocence was only momentary and totally silent. "There are any number of places to start, but one supposes I should start with my brother, the King, as it's likely that you'll get to meet him soon." He looked out his window. "There for instance is his likeness," Jurt said indicating a statue they were approaching on his side of the carriage. "The people care greatly for him."

"Oh!" Tasha eagerly leaned over to look out the window, and still unable to see enough of the rather tall statue, found herself leaning completely across Jurt in order to get a better look. To keep herself from falling into his lap, she pressed one hand against the window frame and the other quite firmly planted on his knee. "So, that's what he looks like? I thought he'd look more like you... Not that he isn't handsome in his own way," Tasha amended quickly. Then gasped as she realized she was practically in Jurt's lap, and she bounced back into her own seat with a bit of a squeak.

As she moved, Jurt found his way again after being so thoroughly lost in her décolletage, admiring the border where her tan skin met the crème colored gown. He returned his attention to the window to ease her concern. "I wonder which should intrigue me more. That you find him handsome in his way, or that you suggest that I have my own way."

Tasha's cheeks pinked again as her thoughtless comment had revealed her attraction to a man who had haunted her dreams for so many years. She dipped her blue eyes and stammered, "I'm happy that I've managed to intrigue you, and I certainly didn't mean any offense." She glanced at him through her lashes and a small smile blossomed on her lips. Did his blue eyes hold a touch of amusement? She hoped so and looking up a bit more boldly she admitted, "You are, of course. I'm sure other women must have told you so before now."

He turned back, his eyes meeting hers with a sudden intensity. "Offended? Not in the least. Perhaps it's been suggested before, but I don't think ever so sweetly, Tasha." Jurt seemed to taste her name as it played across his lips. "Definitely never by such a beautiful creature to whom I owe my very life."

He leaned closer as the carriage turned and began the climb toward the Castle. "I've never had the chance to thank you properly," he whispered as he drew closer yet.

Tasha blinked, her breath catching. She could feel his body heat radiating from him, his scent filling her nostrils; the tip of her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. She murmured, "You wish to thank me? I couldn't very well leave someone injured, now, could I?" She inhaled, her bodice tightening at the intake of breath; her lips remained parted, her eyelids shaded the sparkling blue of her gaze.

"You'd be surprised at what some people will do," he chuckled as their lips brushed gently. A strong arm slid behind her back and up into her golden mane as his other encircled her slim hip. Jurt drew her to him as the kiss intensified, pouring himself into her.

Was she dreaming? Tasha melted into his embrace, her hands seeking the hard muscles under his shirt, which she recalled from her memory of seeing him shirtless in her Gram's kitchen; a memory which had kept her warm many nights. The kiss made her heart race, his scent made her blood pound. A soft growl rumbled from deep in her throat.

Jurt's grip shifted as he felt the warm fur under his hands at the nape of her neck and recognized it for fur, but he didn't pull away. A momentary worry for his jacket was dismissed as quickly as it occurred.

He could always have a new jacket made, he couldn't remember the last time he had been mauled by a beautiful woman.

The kiss was intoxicating. She luxuriated in the taste of him. Her hands... her claws... raked through his hair, down his back, pulling him tighter. The scent of him filling her senses as she breathed in deeply, and released with a sigh.

But the stopping of the carriage brought them back to reality, and brought Tasha back to her senses. Horrified, she realized that her control had slipped, but more, she wondered why would she have shape-shifted -- did she subconsciously see Jurt as a danger? Or perhaps it was the unfamiliar situation she had found herself. She had almost nothing to which to compare the sensations that she was feeling, other than to her 'dreams'. It was similar: excitement and desire, the pursuit and the catch.

She pulled away reluctantly, "I believe we are here... wherever here is." She smiled, flashing slightly pointed teeth between her rose- colored lips.

Jurt smiled and looked out the windows. "Why yes, we are," he answered. "I thought we could walk through the gardens outside the Castle and I might be able to point out some of the more prominent landmarks for you.

Something like a birds' eye view of the local map," the Chaosian answered.

He gave her an appraising look, to ensure that she was composed again before opening the door to the carriage and stepping out. Jurt offered her a hand down and led her into the infuriatingly adorable row of topiary art that happened to flank this particular entrance to the gardens.

Tasha hopped out and grimaced as her pointed heels sunk into the rocky drive. That certainly wasn't the way a lady descended from a carriage, she thought mortified. Pulling the heels out of the rocks by balancing on Jurt's arm was only slightly less embarrassing than if she had left the shoes behind.

Jurt never hesitated, allowing her to take strength from him without ever seeming to notice her temporary distress. He strolled her about the garden, noting particular districts and landmarks as they could be seen from the Castle's elevation. To offer a reference, he leaned in close and sighted along her arm to point to Tear townhome, enticed by her warmth and scent.

As the gardens finally surrendered to Kolvir's great shadow, he turned them toward the Castle. "I fear we've tarried too long, and there will be all sorts of scandalous rumors if we arrive too much later." With a brisk step that was considerate of her dress and footware, Jurt led Tasha to his home.

The guards on the gate saluted; the position of the hands of the courtyward clock encouraged them to hurry - and in no time at all they found themselves in the Star Chamber, where the rest of the guests were gathering. It was, it appeared, just a few minutes to eight o'clock.

Flora, closest to the door and deep in conversation with the Begman amabassador, looked up, saw them, and gave Jurt a nod of acknowledgemnt - he eyes lingering perhaps a little critically on his slightly casual dress. Another faint nod invited them both to join her.

Jurt's expression was obviously amused. He knew that he should've made time to change, but he had been pleasantly distracted. "Ambassador, Princess Florimel," he began. "May I introduce Lady Tasha, of House Minobee."

Flora glanced once more at Jurt - and then directed a lovely,warm smiles towards Tasha.

"Lady Tasha," she said. "How delightful. And how kind of Lord Jurt to have taken you under his wing already."

Jurt threw caution into the flames and beamed back at the Princess, sketching a slight bow in recognition of her appreciation.

Tasha smiled in return and curtsied, first to Flora and then the ambassador, "Your highness, ambassador, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She then turned and smiled up at Jurt, "Yes, Lord Jurt has been so very kind. He's been showing me around the city and the gardens... Both of which were amazing. Though the gardens are so beautiful. I love flowers. Don't you?" She directed the last to Flora with a hopeful smile.

"Did you see the small white-yellow blossoms climbing the trellises in the terraced garden, past the rhododendrons and snapdragons? They're called honeysuckle, fragrent and delicate. Unfortunately if not kept in check, their vines can overgrow everything and choke the life out of the supporting plants," Jurt offered.

"I suppose it's hard to care, as I find them the most intoxicating and at the same time peaceful part of the garden." He turns, a slightly apologetic expression on his face for interrupting the question that Tasha had put before Flora.

"Oh I think my favorites are the calla lillies," said Flora. "So white in their perfection, don't you think? And yet, before their buds are fully formed, their stems might mean that they might be taken for bullrushes ... "

Tasha nodded a bit hesitantly. She sensed that something was going on here just below the surface but what it was, she wasn't quite sure. Deciding that whatever it was had better be left unnoticed she turned her attention to the Begman ambassador. "Ambassador have you been in the gardens? I especially enjoyed some of the statuary. Whoever the artists were, they were obviously well schooled in the human form. I've never seen anything so... Ordered." She flashed him a dazzling smile.

The Begman Ambassador smiled politely in return. "I believe," he said smoothly, "they are responding not only to the Ordered nature of Amber but also to the care and attention of our Hostess here tonight who proves such an admirable chatelaine for the entire castle."

Flora's smile grew warmer. "You are too kind, Count," she said. Then she turned to Tasha. "Did Lord Jurt give you much opportunity to admore the flowers?" she asked.

"Flowers, your Highness? I'm afraid I was distracted by other... objects, I'm afraid," Tasha smiled, "But I would love another opportunity to stroll through the gardens." She turned and smiled at Jurt with genuine eagerness.

"Perhaps after dinner," Jurt offered casually. "Everything would likely look different under a moon I think," His smile is cryptic at best. "But for now, perhaps we should join the others?"

"Princess, I suppose the arrival of her sister has Clymenstra excited?" he asked as he steered them toward the other knots of dinner guests.

"Doubtless," replied Flora. "But my dearest Clytemnestra has too muh innate breeding to let her feels overcome her good sense ... " And then there was that faintest shadow of a frown again.

But before they could get very far towards other people ...

"Appearances, as ever, are deceptive. The lady you speak of is Tasha Minobee. If you seek Chaosians, look no further," Vikund replied, and guided Islain in the direction of the group. He paced their approach perfectly to coincide with a pause in the conversation between Tasha and the Begman ambassador. "My Lady of Minobee," Vikund said. "May I present Her Royal Highness* Islain of Amber."

Tasha turned at hearing her name. Who was this man who was offering her an introduction? She couldn't recall ever seeing him before but he obviously knew her name.

Vikund noted the look that passed her face and filed it for future use. Someone had been neglectful in preparing the lady for Court. Jurt, that is. He should not have been surprised.

He offered a disarming smile. "Forgive me, I am Baronet Anansi, styled Lord Vikund of Amber. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He nodded a greeting to Jurt. "My Lord, Amber rejoices at your return."

Florimel turned and looked sharply at Vikund, those famous blue-green eyes narrowing dangerously.

"If you will excuse me," she said pleasantly. "A late arrival will necessitate some adjustments to the seating arrangements."

She glided away.

Tasha nodded politely as the Princess left their little group.

Jurt brushed a hand through black hair, too short to actually tossle, perhaps a nervous tick.

Islain almost suppressed her smile so that it seemed a perfectly normal reaction to meeting a pleasant young person for the first time. "Lady Tasha," she said. "I am very glad to meet you. Lord Jurt, as before, a very great pleasure."

Islain almost suppressed her smile so that it seemed a perfectly normal reaction to meeting a pleasant young person for the first time. "Lady Tasha," she said. "I am very glad to meet you. Lord Jurt, as before, a very great pleasure."

Jurt bowed enough to be respectful and enough to remind Islain that their first meeting hadn't been nearly so pleasurable.

She didn't seem to notice.

Tasha curtsied gracefully and smiled warmly, "And I am glad to make your acquaintance. Do you live here in the castle?"

"I have, on occasion, yes," said Islain. "Recently I've been in Arden. But I am very glad to be home. Have you but recently arrived, then, Lady Tasha?"

Tasha laughed, "Oh yes. I had breakfast only a few hours ago in Chaos." She looked around the star chamber with her wide-eyed admiration. "What an interesting room. Are those... Stars?" She stared up at the ceiling.

"The joys of Trump, then, I imagine," said Islain. "Yes, stars. When I lived here, this room had a far different purpose, but to be honest this one is much more pleasant." She looked over to the side at Chadwick in the corner. "Have you met my dear cousin Chadwick? He's quite the hero today. Put out a nasty fire at the docks before it could take more lives and livelihoods."

[Continued here: Before Dinner In The Star Chamber: Meetings

Page last modified on July 21, 2007, at 05:04 PM