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Continued from BeforeDinnerInTheStarChamberIslainDamienVikund

Flora's smile grew warmer. "You are too kind, Count," she said. Then she turned to Tasha. "Did Lord Jurt give you much opportunity to admore the flowers?" she asked.

"Flowers, your Highness? I'm afraid I was distracted by other... objects, I'm afraid," Tasha smiled, "But I would love another opportunity to stroll through the gardens." She turned and smiled at Jurt with genuine eagerness.

"Perhaps after dinner," Jurt offered casually. "Everything would likely look different under a moon I think," His smile is cryptic at best. "But for now, perhaps we should join the others?"

"Princess, I suppose the arrival of her sister has Clymenstra excited?" he asked as he steered them toward the other knots of dinner guests.

"Doubtless," replied Floora. "But my dearest Clytemnestra has too muh innate breeding to let her feels overcome her good sense ... " And then there was that faintest shadow of a frown again.

But before they could get very far towards other people ...

"Appearances, as ever, are deceptive. The lady you speak of is Tasha Minobee. If you seek Chaosians, look no further," Vikund replied, and guided Islain in the direction of the group. He paced their approach perfectly to coincide with a pause in the conversation between Tasha and the Begman ambassador. "My Lady of Minobee," Vikund said. "May I present Her Royal Highness* Islain of Amber."

Tasha turned at hearing her name. Who was this man who was offering her an introduction? She couldn't recall ever seeing him before but he obviously knew her name.

Vikund noted the look that passed her face and filed it for future use. Someone had been neglectful in preparing the lady for Court. Jurt, that is. He should not have been surprised.

He offered a disarming smile. "Forgive me, I am Baronet Anansi, styled Lord Vikund of Amber. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He nodded a greeting to Jurt. "My Lord, Amber rejoices at your return."

"And I rejoice that she would miss me so well," Jurt answered in kind.

Florimel turned and looked sharply at Vikund, those famous blue-green eyes narrowing dangerously.

"If you will excuse me," she said pleasantly. "A late arrival will necessitate some adjustments to the seating arrangements."

She glided away.

Tasha nodded politely as the Princess left their little group.

Jurt brushed a hand through black hair, too short to actually tossle, perhaps a nervous tick.

Islain almost suppressed her smile so that it seemed a perfectly normal reaction to meeting a pleasant young person for the first time. "Lady Tasha," she said. "I am very glad to meet you. Lord Jurt, as before, a very great pleasure." It was at this point that Delluth and Paloma joined them.

Jurt bowed enough to be respectful and enough to remind Islain that their first meeting hadn't been nearly so pleasurable.

She didn't seem to notice.

Tasha curtsied gracefully and smiled warmly, "And I am glad to make your acquaintance. Do you live here in the castle?"

"I have, on occasion, yes," said Islain. "Recently I've been in Arden. But I am very glad to be home. Have you but recently arrived, then, Lady Tasha?"

"I heard something about that," Delluth put in. "Or several versions of the story, actually. Princess," he continued, not quite bowing, "dare I hope that you remember me?" He had not given anyone else in the group more than a flicker of a glance.

Islain turned to greet the new arrivals, and her face lit up in a delighted, Madonnaesque smile for Delluth. "Doctor Corrino, how could I ever forget you? What a pleasant surprise!"

Vikund, for his part, diverted his attention from Islain only briefly to greet the Ambassador as she joined the group. "Lady Baccaran," he said evenly, giving her a measured bow. "How good of you to join us this evening."

Islain nodded to the Ambassador, a bit deeper than the nods she had offered the others.

"Why thank you, Lord Vikund." Paloma replied serenely. "It certainly already has proven a more interesting party than I expected." The Ambassador's eyes flickered to regard Islain, and she gave her a nod of greeting.

"Princess Islain." she said. "Felicitations upon our first meeting, as unexpected as it might be."

"And may all joy and happiness follow you, Lady Baccaran," said Islain. She had not recognized Paloma, but she was far too gifted in the arts to fail to appreciate Vikund's assistance in this regard as well. "I am very pleased to make your acquaintance."

"More particularly, Princess," Delluth said, still smiling broadly in response to Islain's greeting, "may I present Lady Paloma Baccaran, the Emperor's Ambassador to Amber?"

Paloma looked at Islain expectantly.

Jurt kept hold of Tasha's arm and whispered quietly for her alone, "And even the smallest of fish can smell blood in the water and are drawn." His grin was completely appropriate for greeting such dignitaries, but never reached his eyes.

Tasha's eyes widened slightly at the whispered message. She feared for a moment that he was meaning her blood, but then adjusted her thinking as she watched the way the others were eying Islain. She might have felt sorry for the Princess, but the woman certainly looked like she could handle this crowd.

Paloma's sleek dark head turned slightly, a flickering glance at Jurt, a slightly more measured one at Tasha - and then her attention returned to Islain.

Tasha noted the look directed her way and smiled at Paloma. They had something in common then, as she was an ambassador of Chaos to the courts, at least as Tasha's mother had explained her position to her.

Islain nodded in response to Delluth's introduction and smiled. "Again, Lady Baccaran, a great pleasure. I trust you are enjoying your stay in Amber?"

Paloma smiled sweetly.

"Why, Islain, I have been here for some decades already at the behest of the Emperor. No position, far away from one's home and most special comforts, is worth such a length of time served if it is not enjoyed at least to some degree."

"Wouldn't you agree?" Paloma added.

Islain's eyebrow twitched almost imperceptibly at the informality of the address, but she simply smiled. "I would agree, though that was not quite an answer to my question, my Lady. And I do hope you'll forgive my lapse. While I shall always think of Amber as home, it has been much more than a few decades since I resided here permanently. Some of those years were enjoyable, others..." She sighed. "I take it, then, that you have found it difficult to import your most special comforts to Amber. Perhaps, if you have leisure, I might see what I could arrange. Incumbent, of course, on my current probational standing."

At this point a deep, low gong sounded - drawing their attention to the door.

Delluth, who had now been thoroughly reminded of why he avoided most gatherings like this, managed to conceal his relief at the interruption, and drifted away from the group no more quickly than anyone else.

Tasha looked about as everyone seemed to know what that gong meant. She assumed by the way people were regrouping into twos that something was happening, but not having been to a dinner party such as this before, she hadn't a clue as to what she should do next. She assumed, since she had arrived with Lord Jurt, that she should stay close to him, so began to follow him, but of course she quickly found out that she was mistaken.

"I believe that Lord Chadwick will be your escort," Vikund said helpfully, before moving to withdraw. "Until later, Your Highness," he smiled to Islain, before taking his place elsewhere.

Page last modified on July 21, 2007, at 04:45 PM