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Jurt of House Sawall

Brother of King Merlin of Amber


  • The King's younger brother, Jurt has overcome their sibling rivalry to become a close friend and advisor to Merlin. He's a keen mind and enjoys the posting in Amber due to his brother's company and the availability of Ordered artifacts and books to study. At times rumored to control some part of the Chaosian spy network and other moments a mole for the Resistance, he dances between factions in Court and only one thing is known for sure. He would die for his brother.

son of

trump description

  • Merlin's deck pictures his little brother in the library. "Dark hair falls over light blue eyes that focus not on the Trump's holder, but a portfolio of some exotic skin on the desk before him. At his left hand is a journal in which he is making notations. His finger tips and the silver cuffs of his black finery are both stained with ink. The room is close and filled with shelves, the odd light sources in shades of amber casting numerous shadows about him."


  • Currently 5'10", 165#, with black hair and blue eyes in his human form. His war form is that of a silvered humanoid, satyr-like in its cloven hooves and broad chest. His horns are noted for their size in addition to the twist and curl.

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Time Under ChaosPlayer Characters

Page last modified on November 21, 2006, at 04:51 AM