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Johann Interview

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The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many. Which ideology better describes Johann?


"I don't see the many and the few... I see the worthy, and the infidel. There is a proper hierarchy to things, and Chaos dominating both halves of the universe is not it. Perhaps, without Oberon or his eldest children, we shall need to rule ourselves by representative democracy... but still, there will be an Order," Johann stated confidently.


After millenia of absolute rule, and education solely for the elite, can you justify your statement that representative democracy is a realistic goal for Amber not a recipe for anarchy?


Such determinations will have to be made after the revolution has succeeded, but such is my eventual goal should restoration of Random prove ineffective.


How many Amberites would you sacrifice in your effort to free Amber? 10%? 50%? Would you see the city destroyed completely, rather than continue under Chaosian rule?


"I would force no loyal* Amberite to die in the defense of the cause, but as Ramdom's life is held as randsom against the good behavior of the rest of his family it should be clear I am prepared to risk lives to achieve my ends. As I feel Chaos's intentions will result in Ambers destruction should she hold it, better that the city should die in flames than to remain in Mandor's hands -- but I do not believe it will come to that. Amber is... was... Eternal. Something Eternal remains, and it is too much for Chaos to hold. Our revolution must succeed only once, but Mandor must defeat us again and again- every day.

(the number of Aberites who Johann -hasn't- accused of disloyalty at some point should trouble most folk.)


Do you still think Random fit to hold the throne? If so, why? If not, who better?


I have no idea if Random is still alive, let alone fit to rule.

Julian has yet to make any serious effort to liberate Amber proper, and so is unfit for the big seat at this time.

Corwin has abandoned us to Chaos... unless he has a note from the nurse, I see no reason why he should even bother showing up for class.

Fiona's treason is unforgivable.

If Caine pulls something off, and gets rid of Chaos, he may be fit for rule. Likewise, I might be convinced to back Bleys as King if he proactively surpises everyone with a nice little coup. Benedict, too, would be a good choice-- if he could manage to turn up living.

Llewella is too quiet to become queen, and Flora too... changable, even if either did manage to pull off something grand.

Our generation is too young for absolute rule, though some sort of coalition may be an acceptable stopgap measure.


Your plan seems strong about 'ousting the bastard occupation' and yet very weak on, 'who's going to take over?'. What is your plan to prevent war breaking out between any and all rival claimants to the throne if it is suddenly vacated? Do you see that as preferable to how things are now?


Vacating large quantities of Chaosian troops will require, in the end, organized military forces. The commander or commanders of those forces will represent an immediate ad hoc interim government.

With Chaos gone, I imagine any subsequent power struggles will be... local... in scope. Duels in the throneroom, and such. I will work to see that they do not become more widespread, but to be frank... there is enough work between here and there that I expect to have plenty of time to contemplate such matters at greater length than I have yet afforded them.

I do have several works on political theory... *rustling sound of paper*


Johann, from his write-up, appears to have strong political views. I'm curious what his thinking on such matters is, for I believe Amber (at least the general populace) is in better shape overall under Mandor's Edict than it was under Oberon's rule.


"Your statement is patently false. Either you are a liar, or liars have poisoned your mind. Mandor's attempt to repair damage done to Amber in the war must be weighed against the damage done by Chaos' Black Road, Chaos' support of Brand's destruction of the Pattern, Chaos' damage to the city when she was taken. Perhaps it is better for the raped slave to be given adequate dental care? Perhaps... but best to not rape and enslave in the first place. Reflect on the measures Mandor must take to subdue his prize... secret police, large prisons, suppression of religion, institutional brainwashing... and yet, there are still some who comment that Mandor is a moderate... as if this is supposed to make us feel better," Johann said angrily before pounding six ounces of whiskey and shattering his overturned glass on the bar as he stood to leave.


Despite your antagonistic and adversarial stance to those of my kind, I can still see qualities in you that are worthy of respect and even admiration.

You have been a politician, an artist, a writer, and you have skill in martial arts. It truly seems that you have lived thus far a broad life, sampling and learning many things. What one thing, or discipline, have you not mastered, that, if you were given time and space to do so, you would add to your considerable repertoire?


"I really ought to figure out how to make gunpowder, if I can't convince someone else into performing the requisite chemistry for me," Johann said dryly.

"Some of Larissa's experiments in mechanical computation do seem intriguing, however..." he added some time later.

Add'l Question:

Your writings seem to show that you take a lot of what Corwin wrote at face value. From his writings, he seems to be a patriot. Yet, when the Eternal City needs him most, he is absent. Why do you think that is?


First, I'll comment that I take a great deal of what Corwin seems to have told Merlin at face value because I was present growing up in Amber at the time. I have also spoken with others who were active during that period of time, and so my historical world view is a synthesis. Eric never saw fit to question his patriotism, even when he fought against Corwin, and he did come to Amber's aid with his firearms...

Still, I ask myself that same question-- Where is Corwin?

Certainly, if he is aware of the threat to Amber in his strange world behind his Pattern, and has chosen to not answer Amber's call... Eric's forgiveness was misplaced.

Perhaps he cannot bear himself to come to conflict with his own son, although if he looked closer... I'm sure he would see that Mandor is a grave threat to Merlin, should the King's mind ever begin to recover... or should Mandor ever suspect that it is all simply an act.


If you were able to liberate Amber from the Courts, is there any change that they have made in the city, politically or civilly, that you would retain if given a choice?

Largely out of expediency, I see no need to tear up a perfectly good sewer system just so I can name it after myself...

Question Have you patched things up with Damien?


"I do not believe we will ever agree on politics, but we have agreed not to speak of them. While we no longer live in the same home, I would say we are largely reconciled." -- ooc: this is in Damien's voice.

If Johann were to answer, he'd have left out the last line.

Question 100 years of peace, why do you persist in trying to reignite old hatreds and conflict?


Johann leaps the table and begins to batter the questioner to death with a bar stool.

"Because you f-ing pricks killed my mother, then brainwashed a city full of what would otherwise have been the greatest men and women in the universe. You call this rot peace? Secret police? Men slain for printing their opinion?"

(More beating)

Page last modified on October 31, 2006, at 02:00 PM