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Mother of Eric, Corwin and Deirdre.

Faiella was one of Queen Cymnea's ladies in waiting, the daughter of one of the founding noble families of Amber, House Thorn.

Her striking blue eyes and bubbly laughter soon attracted Amber's flirtatious liege, and little Faiella found herself as one of Oberon's mistresses, although there were times her comforting presence was enough even without sensuality.

Despite her beauty and charm, the gentle and sweet Faiella was hopelessly bad at politics, and ended up saddened by the troubles she felt she had caused Amber by allowing herself to become pregnant in the first place. Faiella never asked Oberon to marry her, but the birth of her first child, Eric out of wedlock gave the King the excuse he wanted to annull Cymnea.

Only a year after Eric was born, Faiella bore Corwin, and Deirdre followed nine months after that. Faiella's body, never strong to begin with, could not endure the last of these, a breach birth, and she died the same day that her daughter was born.

Faiella is remembered as charming, sweet and utterly devoted to her husband and her country. She was incredibly popular and well-loved among the populace of Amber, and even under the waves.

Thus, as a parting memorial, Oberon renamed the stairs from Amber to Rebma the Faiella-bionin, which can be translated either as 'Faiella's Staircase' or 'Stairs of the Sea-Star', in honor of his queen.

TimeUnderChaosNon-Player Characters

Page last modified on November 27, 2006, at 01:51 AM