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...[T]here was a black haired girl with the same blue eyes, and her hair hung long and she was dressed all in black, with a girdle of silver about her waist. My eyes filled with tears, why I don't know. Her name was Deirdre. -- Nine Princes in Amber

Damsel in distress and warrior queen. Loving sister and angel of vengeance. Indifferent to the games of power played by her siblings, and yet, somehow, always in the midst of them. Deirdre was a woman of contradictions, showing a different face to everyone who knew her. Was it that she had so much depth, so many layers of self, that one could find whatever one looked for in her, or were her many aspects careful masks, shown when and where she chose, her diffidence and her impetuosity equally false?

Certainly there remain questions about her actions during the Patternfall War. While Corwin seemed certain that she was loyal to him alone, others report seeing her in close conversation with Eric both before and after Corwin’s blinding and imprisonment. And her whereabouts and actions between the Siege of Kolvir and the Battle of the Abyss remain unknown to the present day; her only son claims to have seen her only once in that time, when she returned to the Unicorn Nebula briefly, told him that she was off to war, and then left once more.

She took her mysteries into the Abyss with her. It seems unlikely now that they will ever be revealed, and everyone but her son has turned to new mysteries to unravel, leaving the memory of Deirdre to fade away, her death little but a footnote to the fall of Brand.

TimeUnderChaosNon-Player CharactersAmberElders

Page last modified on November 22, 2006, at 02:47 AM