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Crime in Amber

Crime has always been a problem for a metropolis as large and compact as Amber. Prior to the Occupation, Amber utilized its standing army to enforce what was known as the Oberon’s Law; a draconian system of civic and legal codes. However, the soldiers were poorly suited for the task of maintaining order. This resulted in a high incidence of theft and violet crime in much of the city’s lower tier.

Under Chaosian rule, a new legal system has been instituted, as well as the formation of an official City Watch; commonly referred to as the Vigiles Urbani (“Watchmen of the City”, or simply “Watchmen”). These men and women are extremely well-trained and believe it is their life’s duty to protect the city. Each Ward has an official Magistrate to oversee all legal and criminal matters. Beneath them are Schouts, who are in charge of overseeing individual districts within a ward. Each Schout has between ten and twenty Vigiles. Each Magistrate also has five to ten Grey Cloaks under their command; secret police that look and act like ordinary citizens until they strike. Corruption is extremely rare due to the almost religious teachings and regimented training of the Watchmen. Some Wards, such as Five Corners, also have their own Citizen’s Defense, usually funded and formed by the various guilds and merchants. The Engineers’ Guild had also tried to line many of the main thoroughfares with coal gas street lights for added security at night, but these efforts have been wholy unsuccessful. Instead, the streets are lit by rushlights and whale oil. Finally, several city prisons have been constructed to hold prisoners before, during, and after sentencing. Executions, although uncommon, are performed publicly outside these prisons (gathering sizable crowds).

As a result of these efforts, violent crime has dropped considerably in Amber City and even theft and petty crime are at an all time low. Indeed, the city has become quite safe for travel and commerce, even at night. Only in the seriously impoverished Wards such as Broken Smile and Corwin’s Foley does violent crime remain a serious issue.

(From The Hendrake Guide to Amber)

Discussion of crime, indeed of the whole justice system of Amber under Oberon, Eric, Corwin and Gerard, are rife with lies gross and subtle. While technically in the same chain of command as Amber’s standing army, the Amber city guard was one of the most effective police forces in all of shadow. It is true that, under Eric, this force was increasingly militarized, but given the historical context of his rule the reasons for this become quite apparent. Many of the veteran watch commanders went south, to fight Chaos at the Courts, so what the Chaosian troops found when they reached the Eternal City was a hybridization of soldiers, both naval and army, who answered the call to arms late, wounded veterans recalled to duty as civilian defense forces, volunteer community watches, and green police force recruits. Amongst those who lived under his rule, it is generally agreed that the Code of Oberon, as enforced by his judiciary, was harsh but fair. Amber had few prisons, and many serious criminals were sentenced to time on the oars, executed, or exiled to shadow. Many Chaosians have taken the written form of the code out of context, and ignored the system of precedents which guided sentencing.

Crime rates were high in the period which led to Eric taking the throne through the assault by the Armies of Chaos, but these were not representative of the hundreds of years of prior rule by Oberon.

Chaos’s solution to crime is a system of informants and secret police whose first concern is rooting out treason and thought crime. That most citizens of Amber are only now beginning to understand the Chaosian system of laws is yet another cause for injustice. Defendants frequently are defended by a Chaosian lawyer, whose first loyalty is not necessarily to their client, especially if the client is without significant financial means.

(From the writings of Johann Payne)



Page last modified on November 21, 2006, at 10:32 PM