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Index | Time Under Chaos | Non-Player Characters | Non-Canonical NPCs | Coirann

Sharp in places where Larissa is smooth, and vice versa, Coirann has been visibly in Larissa's employ since the War. She goes where Larissa would be noticed, and talks to people who wouldn't talk to Larissa. Coirann can drive a bargain and turn a phrase with the best of them, but whether that is native talent or the result of a century around Larissa is something neither clarifies. When not attempting to blend in, Coirann has something of her mistress's irritating air of knowing a secret that puts everything into perspective, but none of the reservations about diet, or violence.

When not pursuing one of Larissa's goals, Coirann wears whatever she feels like, and says what's on her mind--things which are both wildly changeable. Larissa gives every appearance of enjoying the show, with an amused permissiveness even greater than the tolerance she usually shows for those who fail to respect her rank. More than once, Larissa has had to intercede between Coirann and someone Coirann had needled, though the former usually has the sense to avoid annoying anyone with the personal power to explode her head, or the political power to chop it off.

TimeUnderChaosNon-Player Characters

Page last modified on January 16, 2007, at 04:37 AM