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Mother of Fiona, Bleys and Brand.

Clarissa is, it is rumored, the only woman to refuse Oberon's hand in marriage. Since she later accepted it, this may have been a ploy to try to separate herself from his previous queens, and if so, it was a ploy that worked. A sorceress from a Black Zone shadow of Roman influences but an emphasis on technological magic, she was pragmatic to the point of being nearly inhuman, and her haughty, explosive and secretive nature quickly became legend.

Oberon met her in one of his sojourns through shadow, mysteriously close to the great tree Ygg. She called to him from a roadside and offered to read his fortune. Oberon approached, but soothsaying was not what was on his mind. Both recognized immediately the power and danger inherent in the other, and the chemistry sparked like mad.

Oberon, however, was looking for a new queen, and a woman to mother his baby children from Faiella, and so he took Clarissa to Amber and married her. She cut a fine figure as a queen, all in white, beautiful and completely assured of her own beauty.

Her relationship with Oberon was based on sex and power, however, not on love. They were either completely devoted to each other, or else they were at each other's throats. No one ever spoke to Oberon as Clarissa did and got away with, perhaps because, as she hinted, she knew many of his secrets. They also separated and got back together more than any other of Oberon's queens, but eventually he had his fill of her entirely, and they were divorced.

Only a year later, it is rumored, he sent an assassin to the shadow she had retired to, to make certain those secrets she knew stayed secret.

TimeUnderChaosNon-Player Characters

Page last modified on November 27, 2006, at 01:45 AM