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Chaosian Embassy

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The Embassy of the Courts of Chaos to Amber

The Embassy is located in the Spire Hills district, a trio of connected yellow and orange sandstone buildings arranged in an equilateral triangle, set back from the streets by a low wall that is more of a delimiter than a true physical barrier. Between the wall and the buildings is a greensward of a grass dark enough to be more blue than green in color. Although many say that the grass is from Chaos, it is in actuality an ordinary (if oddly colored) grass imported from a shadow on the outer fringes of the Golden Circle.

The original Embassy was a single building for both living and working spaces. A couple of decades after the War, however, the Embassy was expanded with the help of Mitanni stonemasons to its present three-building complex.

The three buildings are:

The Administration Building:

The largest of the three buildings, this several story rectangular building is what a majority of the visitors to the Embassy think of when they think of the "Embassy". A Great Seal of the Throne of Chaos hangs above the entrance to a covered passage that leads to the main door. Aside from servant corridors, the main way leads from the entrance to the Great Hall, with a glossy, polished black marble floor that faintly radiates back absorbed moonlight at night. A large statue, in bronze, of the Serpent, also dominates this room, which is often used for diplomatic receptions.

Above the first floor are the working offices on the upper floors, including Ingrey's Office as well as skyways on the second floor which connect to the other two buildings.

The Residential Building:

Most of the Ambassadorial Staff prefers to have quarters within the Embassy itself in this square building, even if they own a townhouse or other property in Amber City. From Lady Paloma Baccaran's large suite of rooms on the top floor, to Ingrey Wererathe's decently sized suite of his own, to the servants dormitories, the entirety of the Embassy staff live comfortably within this building. The Embassy staff from the Administration Building also takes its communal meals here.

The School:

Chaos emigres in Amber City do not always send their progeny back to the Courts for Education. This can be for a number of reasons, ranging from a desire to have their progeny have a decent grounding in Amber, to the fears of rivals back in their House having an undue interest in their children, and being unable to react from such a long distance. Thus, the Embassy has built for their education, as well as the education of the children of the Embassy themselves, this triangular building. The curriculum of the school is a modified version of the one that Chaosian children typically undergo back in the Courts.

Page last modified on January 01, 2007, at 09:39 PM