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Where the Wild Things Are

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After Larissa left, Petra's expression darkened again, and she stalked back into her bedroom to finish getting dressed. She was finishing her hair when the bedroom door opened to admit Vincenzo, to whom she gave a frosty look in the mirror.

"Avversione voi dal momento. Andare prego via," she said coolly.

He sighed. "Bella, ha dovuto essere fatto. Se cosa dice siete allineare, allora risolverā. Quando andando?"

She shrugged and disappeared into her closet to dig out a pair of suitably sexy shoes.

"I wish to discuss the cat incidents," he said, frowning at the doorway of her closet.

"I do not," came her muffled reply. "It is done, and there is nothing you can do. Go to bed, Vincenzo."

"I am going with you," he replied firmly.

"You are not," Petra replied flatly as she emerged and closed the door. "I do not need, nor want, an escort to either of my destinations. What I do need is for you to get some rest. Emotions will be running high tonight, and we all need to be on our toes. With all the workmen on deck, you will also need to do a sweep of the entire ship before we open."

He crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a hard look. "And what about you?"

Petra waved an earring at him from in front of the mirror. "I slept yesterday. I will sleep tomorrow. I will be fine." She glanced at his still unconvinced frown in the mirror. "I will wake you when I get back. All right?"

His lips thinned and she could tell how very much he was displeased by the entire situation. But he finally nodded curtly and left her to day, much to her relief.

Petra sighed heavily and turned to the golden harp still playing by itself on her bedside table.

"Graci. You may stop now." The harp gave a final trill that made her smile and then fell silent.

She pursed her lips and looked at the clock. She had an errand to run, and in spite of the situation, she had promised she would try to deliver the message. Making up her mind, she disappeared back into her closet, quickly shucking the dress and changing into a pair of jeans and man's wine colored poet shirt. After digging through a locked drawer, she found the trump sketch that had been laying around for ages and focused on the detailed image of the road just on the outskirts of Arden.

Petra still instantly upon arriving and studied the treeline. She knew they were there, the archers of the Golden Bough; Order of the Gleaming Arrow. She also knew that there were at least a dozen arrows aimed at her already. She also knew they knew who she was. She held her hands out to the side slowly and announced herself as she had been instructed to in this type of situation.

"I am Petra Rossi," she called in a loud, clear voice. "Recognized daughter of Benedict of Amber. I am unarmed, as you can see. I wish only to speak to my uncle and pass a private message to Her Highness Islain from her sister."

The leading ranger, a tall, thin man with a scar on his left upper lip which seemed to give his face a sligfhtly sinister snarl, nodded to Patra.

"Certainly, Lady. One of my men shall take a message that you are here."

He nodded, and one of the younger rangers raced away through the trees.

The leading ranger strteched out his arm in a welcoming gesture. "Will you join us for breakfast while we wait?"

She seemed to think about that for a moment then nodded. "That sounds delightful," she smiled and moved to join him. She made a note of the insignia on his shoulder. "And if you have something with caffine, you may just very well be my favorite Arrow."

The snarl became a more definite smile.

"My pleasure, lady."

He led her through trees and low bushes until they came to a small but comfortable camp set up among the trees. Petra was provided with what the ranger assured her was the most cpmfortable on the logs, and then a cup of steaming black liquid was placed in her hands which smelled and tasted reassuringly like fine quality coffee.

It was as she was finishing it that the younger ranger arrived back, riding a bay horse and leading another, to tell her that Julian requested her to join Islain and him straightaway.

Petra finished the last of her coffee and relinquished the mug with an easy smile to the friendly group she had passed the time chatting with as if she hadn't a care in the world under the ancient trees. "Gentlemen, a thousand thank yous. There really isn't a much better way to start the day then with excellent coffee in the company of handsome men. We should do this again sometime."

She joined the younger Ranger and took a moment to make friends with the horse meant for her before collecting the reins and swinging up into the saddle with the easy grace of one well used to horses and riding.

Petra gave her guide a glorious smile. "Ready when you are, dolce mio. Tell me: are there phoenixes in this part of the forest?" she asked as they started to ride, launching into what sounded like small talk, but really wasn't. Petra was, by all appearances, as fascinated with the more elusive residents of the forest as anyone else who wasn't a part of Arden. "I would love some of those tail feathers. Glorious! Do they drop them, like peacocks?"

"No, my Lady!" gasped the ranger, sounding shocked.

"No?" she responded with all the disappointment of a child being told Christmas had been cancelled. "Oh, well...."

But as he spoke, Petra felt the slightest quiver of a trump contact, delicate within her mind.

She frowned at the touch she didn't recognize. She was tempted not to accept it, but instead let her horse drop back behind the young Ranger who led her. She slipped a hand into her trump case and rested her fingers on the top card.

Trusting the horse of the Rangers to follow another of its kind, Petra turned her attention inward cautiously.


Vikund's familiar features formed, and he smiled slightly as he regarded her framed by forestry. He appeared to be in one of his offices, but which one was unclear.

"Fancied some fresh air? Can't say as I blame you."

Petra met his image with the vaguest hint of an arched eyebrow. "Fancy not knowing it was you," she remarked at a low purr.

"And I am exercising my position of neutrality. If it were fresh air I wanted, I would be in the you well know, mein liebes. What is it I can do for you?"

"I was wondering when you could fit me into your busy schedule," Vikund replied. "There are several matters arising from this morning's events, and I fear I am a few too many steps behind Damien in knowing what's going on. I need to catch up, and quickly."

She pursed her lips thoughtfully. "My business here should not take terribly long. For you, I will wrap it up as swiftly as possible. Unless these are things I can answer now. What is it you are needing to know that Dawn was unable to tell you?"

"It can wait," Vikund answered. "Suffice it to say it concerns items found in Johann's possession, and the implications thereof."

Petra frowned a moment then an expression of understanding lit her eyes. "Ah. Is this about my trump?" She waved a hand to indicate she thought it unimportant. "It has a dragonfly on the back, si? I gave him that ages ago when he was still pretending to be reasonably sane. He used it once. When he fled Amber to let me know he was leaving."

"Whatever else he had, I cannot imagine. It won't be anything I gave to him."

Vikund's expression suggested he regarded the matter as one that could not be dismissed so lightly.

"Well, we shall discuss it later, in more civilised surroundings. Enjoy your trip."

With that, he moved to close the contact.

Petra's expression darkened, but she did nothing to stop him, merely turned her attentions away and nudged her horse to catch up with her guide.

"Sospettoso figlio di puttana," she muttered darkly, "Detesto le mattine." She was briefly on the edge of a full blown rant. But it passed quickly and she was once again pleasant as she caught up to the young Ranger.

He led them through the wood to the Warden of Arden's main camp, dismounting in a vast wooden stable that held the great Morgenstern himself.

Petra slowly came to a stop near Morgenstern's stall and just looked up at his towering form admiringly. He was everything she had ever heard, and more. Standing near the beast made her feel like she was about nine years old and wholly insignificant. But he was still a magnificant creature. Petra felt like she should bow, and while she did restrain that impulse, she did incline her head in his direction. One did not just simply face that type of fearsome majesty and move on without acknowledging it.

She finally remembered her escort and turned her attention back to the Ranger and made to follow him to her uncle's location.

She arrived to see him seemingly in conversation with Islain.

Petra stayed to the side, waiting for for them to finish. She carried herself with easy confidence, but she certainly wasn't rude enough to insert herself into their conversation. Her curiosity was no more then idle as she cast a glance around the area. Petra seemed more interested in the ancient and towering trees then the campsite, or the men who occupied it.

Once their attention turned to her, Petra smiled. "Buon giorno."

"I wouldn't normally intrude on your territory, but I felt you should be made aware of the morning's events, as they will surely affect us all. Assuming you do not already know, of course."

"We have heard some rumours of strange events in Amber," said Julian, his tone carefully neutral. "Perhaps you can tell us more?"

She nodded and took a breath. "It's a bit of a tale, so I'll just get it all over with in one go.."

"Johann Payne apparently grew tired of waiting for you all to make a move, and attempted to assassinate the Prime Minister. As soon as all the Royals and Mandor's party disembarked the Queen this morning, one of the dockside establishment went up in flames. At that point, Payne made his move from atop Mandor's carriage."

"Somehow, Payne has discovered the secret of making firearms work in Amber. He opened fire on Mandor in the middle of the street. Several people inserted themselves between Mandor and Johann's position, including Ambassador Ingrey and one of my people, while others rushed to cover Merlin. Curiously, at least to my mind, not one bullet found its mark. The only one even slightly injured in that hail of gunfire was one of my security people. Mandor never even flinched. One could almost speculate that he was ....expecting it."

"Johann ceased fire and left his perch for the ground. At that point, his ... companion, Damien emerged from his hiding place in Mandor's carriage. But instead of the assistance Johann was apparently expecting." Petra sneered faintly. "Damien stabbed him in the back while declaring Johann had made a mistake in making his ambitions more important then Damien's heart. The blade had an oily appearence, according to the security people who were nearby, and my security chief believes it was likely a neurotoxin of some sort based on Payne's collapse and unconsciousness, though he isn't willing to swear to it without more information. Damien kicked the dagger to the Ambassador, and that was the last I saw of it."

Her eyes shifted briefly to Islain before continuing. "To stop the spreading fire, Larissa called upon the Pattern. Unfortunately, this had an unforeseen effect on Merlin, who was by that time standing beside her. He spun around and collapsed in the street. Morgan and Goran, well, carried him into Merlin's carriage and departed. The story going around is that he had too much to drink and that touch of Pattern was too much for his inebriated system." Petra's voice held the tone of her own doubt at that version of events as she continued. "For the record, Merlin's tab and the women he kept company with last night do not support the declaration of too much alcohol."

"Vikund and Damien attended to Payne, and by that I mean searched him and trussed him up like a Yule goose. They took our ship's doctor with them, loading Payne into my carriage and left for the castle. Mandor left with the Ambassador. I have been asked to make myself available for further questioning," she added with a wry smile. "And Larissa believes Johann's 'show trial' will take effect as soon as possible. Likely within hours." Julian listened attentatively, asking no questions. At the end he turned slightly towards Islain.

"And you are invited to Amber. That is very ... convenient, don't you think?"

Petra raised an eyebrow in surprise. She clearly wanted to say something, but held her tongue.

He looked back at Petra.

"How easy would it be to rescue Johann Payne?"

Petra snorted in disbelief. "You are not serious. He will likely be more guarded then Corwin -or any other previous prisoner- ever was. If he isn't, then it is more of a set up then initially suspected. We all know Mandor can be a vicious man, and with Merlin down, it will be Mandor that makes the decisions, and let's not forget that he apparently has that snake in the grass Damien on his payroll, because if that was a crime of passion, I will sign the Queen over to you. Mandor will be expecting you all try something, zito, and they will be prepared for it. I understand Pattern wielders are a finite resource, but is Payne worth risking more of you to retrive?"

"I know that sounds heartless, but I am a businesswoman and an unrepentant capitalist. The potential damage to the bottom line in this scenario does not balance out the slim chance for profit."

"At least you are not afraid to speak your mind to us," Islain chuckled. Her mirth disappeared quickly however and she found herself testing the tip of her front teeth with her tongue as she considered. "Payne will be worth a good deal to us as a martyr, yes... but we cannot abandon him simply because he is a reckless fool. Mandor will be expecting... something... but what I could not begin to guess. If he's as smart as he's seemed, he won't trust Damien further than the length of his arm. And me even less. But I could ask Merlin for Johann - if Larissa hasn't ruined the boy completely."

"Merlin was unconscious when last I saw him," Petra reminded her. "And my security guard that Morgan took with him had not returned when I left the ship. He may not wake up in time to give you anything, because I do not see Mandor waiting for Merlin to recover to deal with this. You might also consider looking for a different martyr. Johann managed to destroy the livelihoods of several families with his fire, and there may have been injuries or even losses of life. I'm not sure just how much of a martyr to the people he would make."

"The brat," Islain shook her head slowly. "If I bother to rescue him at all, I'll put him over my knee for this... fiasco."

Petra's gaze went from one to the other. "I don't wish to seem rude, but I have a hundred things to do today, all of them annoying. I do not have a lot of time. But I do need to speak with each of you individually before I go. I have no doubt that you will share information after I leave, but I gave my word to deliver messages in private and it is important to me that I be able to truthfully say that I have."

Islain nodded and looked to Julian. "I'll let you two speak first, then, my lord."

Page last modified on September 09, 2007, at 03:04 PM