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Weights and Measures

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Of all the unlikely places, Amberite resistance to Chaosian rule nearly came to blows over weights and measures. The traditional Amber system was an idiosyncratic one, with units derived from commonplaces like the length of a stride. Consequently, though standardized, the Amber system was a mishmash, with few units having much to do with one another.

The Chaosian government declared that the traditional system would be replaced with a base ten metric system like the one used in the Courts. Though undeniably simpler, the new weights and measures met with strong resistance among the populace, who clung to the traditional units both out of familiarity with the old system and resentment for their Chaosian masters.

Even decades after the change was announced, the traditional system was still in wide use, and the persistance with which any given denizen of Amber insisted on being served pints rather than litres was a fair measure of the strength of their distaste for Chaosian rule.

Amber TimeUnderChaos Chaos

Page last modified on November 21, 2006, at 10:40 PM