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House Vangrast

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House Vangrast

Minor House of Chaos
The House without Color
Black and White
A square, bisected by a diagonal running from the lower left to the upper right. The left triangle of the square is white, the right triangle is black.
House Head
Barnes Vangrast, a middle aged looking Chaosian who favors jet black skin and curly white hair.
Ways Layout
Vangrast's Ways are relatively spartan and unadorned, and moody, with light sources placed and muted so as to cast shadows.
A minor House, Vangrast does not have many rivals beyond the usual fray of Minor Houses jockeying for power.

Important people in Vangrast include

RensselaerVangrast : Secretary to Ingrey Wererathe in the ChaosianEmbassy

TimeUnderChaos Chaos

Page last modified on December 30, 2006, at 12:00 AM