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The Seduction of Chadwick: Away from the Throne


If Merlin had his private hideaway behind the throne, Mandor had his own office in a quiet location to one side of the Great Hall. It was here that he had invited Vikund Anansi and Ingrey Wererathe to join him, while Flora presented her plans for the Refurbishment of the Ambassador's Wing in the Great Hall.

He had taken a seat behind his desk and offered brandy to both of them, (as it was a private meeting, a glance at Vikund suggested that he was expected to pour).

A glance was all it needed, and Vikund proceeded to fill the empty glasses with the correct and precise measure.

When they were all settled, he reclined back in his chair and ran a musing finger around the rim of his glass. Glass is supposed to make a sound when one does that; it is, however, rather unusual for the sound to be an excerpt from a Bach sonata. Number 3, in C Major, in fact.

"I have it in mind to undertake an excursion this evening," Mandor said at last. "I was wondering whether you would be interested in accompanying me."

"Of course," Vikund immediately responded. "Might I ask were, exactly?"

Mandor smiled slightly, and glanced at Vikund. "I thought we might pay a visit to my brother the King's favourite watering hole. See what sort of company he is keeping there."

Ingrey turned and furrowed his eyebrows at Mandor and Vikund with modest curiosity as he held up the glass of brandy that Vikund had poured for him.

"I admit that I am not certain why you would think to include me, sir." Ingrey said, softening his expression.

"On the other hand, I freely admit that it would be a more pleasant way to spend the evening than being engaged in the plans for the Ambassador's Wing. No doubt Lady Paloma would prefer that I be present for that, but, sir, if you insist that I join you in paying a visit, I find that it would be difficult to turn you down."

"This would be Petra Benedictsdottir's floating establishment?" Ingrey finished.

Vikund rolled his eyes at that.

The slight smile again. "It would be," Mandor agreed. "I take it that both of you are familiar with the establishment?"

Vikund smiled, as if the question needed no direct answer. "I think I would need a moment or two to find more suitable attire."

"My salary, you understand, is not and never has been a particularly large one." Ingrey admitted, putting on a face of resigned regret. "I have been there on rare occasions, of course, but I do not think that I will be overly recognized or remarked, save by those who are knowledgeable of the staff of the Embassy."

Mandor smiled. "From what I have heard of the reputation of the hostess of the Ramblin' Queen, I would say she will be perfectly conversant with your identity - and your status."

Ingrey did not respond to Mandor's bait, instead, he changed the subject.

"I am ready to depart at a moment's notice." Ingrey gave a nod to Vikund before regarding Mandor.

Mandor cast a thoughtful glance at his companions' clothing.

"I think, Ingrey Wereathe, we can allow you a little longer than that. The formality of court garb might be a little too ... impressive for the Ramblin' Queen. Perhaps we should do things the old fashioned Amberite way. We'll collect you by carriage from the Embassy at ... oh, say half past eight?" He glanced at Vikund. "Will that allow you sufficient time for sartorial exigencies, too?"

"Yes, Prime Minister," Vikund beamed, rising from his chair to execute a courtly bow. "And Ingrey, if you need a competitive, low-cost loan to cover your new wardrobe, I know just the deal for you," he chuckled.

"Such a mercantile arrangement will not be necessary, but thank you." Ingrey replied evenly to Vikund. Ingrey bowed to both Mandor and Vikund. "I will await the arrival of the carriage at the Embassy at half past eight, as agreed, Prime Minister. Until then."

End of Thread

Page last modified on December 23, 2006, at 07:37 AM