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Skelton Corrino

Index | Time Under Chaos | Non-Player Characters | Non-Canonical NPCs | Skelton Corrino

Skelton is the Poisons Master of House Corrino, and also cross-trained in medicine. Delluth was his apprentice for many years, but is now an acknowledged master in his own right - though still lacking Skelton's long experience.

How much of Corrino's success in its efforts to become the Imperial House was due to Skelton's contributions can never be known, of course. But it is generally acknowledged that he is one of the three most skilled individuals in the universe in this area.

Delluth on Skelton (in Patterns in Practice):

But he glanced at her and decided not to go into the details just now. Skelton would have, but Skelton had the natural sensitivity of a rock.

Jerusha and Claudio on Skelton (in Drawing Jerusha):

"Skelton can be ... difficult," she thought it was safe to say. "He's brilliant, though."

"Brilliant as a glass mountain," Claudio agreed cheerfully, "and about as accessible."

Page last modified on May 29, 2007, at 09:43 PM