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Skar the Dragon (local #808), has had a number of maladies over the years that encourage him to seek out female companionship. Mostly because he's old-fashioned, but partly because he's found that only they can serve chicken soup to a dragon with a cold without getting significant owies. Also, they tend to be good listeners, ready to commiserate with anyone having "man troubles".

Few will agree as readily as Skar that men are, largely, jerks.

Skar does like Chadwick, and has met the Lady Flora while recovering from surgery.

Skar's physical and mental prowess are equal to most Chaosians, but his inability to use weapons has prevented all but the most basic ideas on warfare from sinking in.

Mostly, he accepts the Dewlons peacefully.

Page last modified on October 18, 2006, at 05:42 AM