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Shadow Manipulation: Black Pathway

Index | Time Under Chaos | Creating a Character | Chaos Powers | Shadow Manipulation: Black Pathway

This power allows a Lord of Chaos to change the destiny, content and time-flow of a Shadow. On the Chaos side of Ygg, this power is mostly used to hold Shadows into place as realms, buildings or fortresses, and to forestall the natural change in Chaotic Shadow. Such requires daily maintenance or the Shadow will warp and become unusable. Chaosites can also use this power to give a Shadow any of the Shadow Properties listed in the ADRPG book, such as control of destiny, guardians, etc., or to build Shadow Paths. They cannot become part of the destiny of anyone or anything on the other side of Ygg. An additional note: on the Amber side of Ygg, all such changes are permanent. Useful, no? Chaosite Shadow Manipulation requires a Chaos level Psyche and either Black Pathways or Pattern.
Black Pathway Power

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Page last modified on August 20, 2006, at 06:25 PM