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Sarah Crowe

Index | Time Under Chaos | Non-Player Characters | Non-Canonical NPCs | Sarah Crowe

Poet, musician, playwright.

Sarah Crowe is probably not her real name. The general opinion among her colleagues is that her family, whoever they are, prefers not to be connected with this bohemian individual. She lives in a small house on Fountain Street in the Artists' Quarter, subsisting on an inheritance, the generosity of friends, and whatever income her art brings her. A moody and difficult person, she is also considered quite brilliant.

She undoubtedly met Delluth Corrino at some artistic function in the Quarter. The relationship has lasted a surprisingly long time, considering his frequent absences and the fact that neither of them is faithful to the other.

See also:

"I'm glad you're back. It's like meeting you for the first time again."

"Maybe you should marry a sailor."

"Find me one who'll listen to my poetry and sing duets. But no, I'm not marrying anyone."

"That's a relief."

"Hah! Just what I'd expect from a corrupt agent of a tyrannical government like you."

"That's me. Shall I rub your feet some more?"

Casting: Tanita Tikaram

Page last modified on September 25, 2007, at 11:35 PM