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Rumors Of Islain

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Rumors About Islain

"An ambush on the road, poisoned wine. It occurs to me... 'Milady' is persistent." -The Three Musketeers (Richard Lester dir)

A woman like Islain stirs controversy and whispers wherever she goes, so it is hardly surprising that rumors have plagued her at every point of her life. What is less usual is the casual way in which she accepts them.

It seems impossible to shock, anger or humiliate Islain through commentary about her lifestyle.

Even those rumors exceptionally close to home only occasion a slight smile and an inaudible click as her pale jade-colored eyes half close, and you can feel her storing your face and name away for some retribution later.

Still, here are a few of the more juicy tidbits that have been circulated. Keep in mind you can't believe everything you hear, but then again, you might:

One rumor suggests that Islain was fully aware of Eric and Julian's plan to have Corwin's eyes burned out of his skull and agreed with it. Her only issue with the plan was a worry he might regenerate. Rumor has it she suggested repeating the treatment every two years just to be safe.

Probably due to her extraordinary beauty, the rumormongers of Amber and its surrounding states have always been particularly interested in Islain's love life. The first sordid rumor regarding her affairs had her as a love rival to Morganthe when Random returned the princess to Rebma, saying that the thirteen-year-old Islain was partially responsible for Random's abandonment of Morganthe, due to her strong push for her sister's beau.

Subsequent rumors have linked Islain with Admiral Conor Strathe (a relative certainty), various Dukes and powerful men of Amber's Court, and most of her male relatives, although the rumors appear and disappear with vastly different frequency. Benedict, for example, has been mentioned only once whereas Caine reappears in rumor with great alacrity.

It is currently rumored that Islain is Julian's mistress, and Islain's political enemies have had so much fun with nearly pornographical tales of their exploits that they have focused exclusively on this relationship for months now. Johann maintains that many of these attacks are poorly plagarized versions of his own, more sophisticated, attacks on several of Merlin's reputed lovers.

Page last modified on November 07, 2006, at 09:49 PM