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Index | Time Under Chaos | Game Logs | Processing to Dinner Introduction | ProcessingToDinnerMorganClytemnestra

The Rose Corridor was a long corridor, empty of any people, and lined with windows on one side. The darkness made it impossible to see what it overlooked, but the entire passage, ceiling, wall and floor, were painted with elaborate representation of roses - golden, red, pink, white - which climbed and twisted their way over all the surfaces, vivid in the light of the candelabra that had been placed on the small tables stretching the length of the corridor.

Morgan moved with a graceful step towards Clytemnestra, finishing off his glass and depositing it on a table on the way. He held out an arm to her with a charming smile.

"Shall we gossip about our relatives, cousin?" he asked. "They can hear, if they try, and that makes it so much more fun."

Ness turned briefly to Helena. "Nell, it's such sweet sorrow to part with you after being so briefly reunited. But duty calls; I must protect the rest of our guests."

She then turned fully to Morgan, looked him over appraisingly, then took his arm with a charming smile of her own. "You know, Morgan, you do look fine when you haven't yet spilled anything on yourself. If you weren't a boorish child, we could probably find a host of young ladies who would spend time with you without requiring any payment on your part."

"Really," Morgan asked her as they began to follow the rest down the hallway. "Would it help if I didn't talk? I could nod at their comments, and look interested, and occasionally look pensive. What do you think?"

"I think it would serve you well," she replied, "but that's not really my intent. You recently called me by a nickname that I didn't much like. If you're willing to treat me respectfully, I will gladly reciprocate."

"Oooooh, you drive a hard bargain," Morgan said. He chewed his lower lip. "I don't know, you ask a lot. Do you really think it's worth it? If Mandy hears about this next thing you know he'll be wanting me to call him The Great and Powerful Moogey."

"I couldn't care less what you call Father, and I could suggest a few things if you like. This is strictly between you and me, and no one else need know. So what will it be: we can be friends--" she looked him over again, with an arched eyebrow, "--possibly even 'bosom' friends--or we can resume public ridicule at twenty paces. I expect it to be delightful either way. What's your preference?"

Morgan grinned at her. "Ok, then, Nessa, we have a deal. Space it, I'm easy, ain't I?"

Ness gave him a small warm smile in return, and lightly traced a finger along his arm. "There's no shame in choosing pleasure over antagonism. Think what a delightful universe it would be if everyone did so. Now, I believe we were going to gossip. With whom shall we start?"

"Oh, Damien Backstabber, surely. How long do you think he's been in your father's employ, and what does he think he's going to get out of this oh-so-public declaration of sides?" Morgan shook his head. "Space piracy is so much more honest," he said mournfully.

Ness glanced back over her shoulder, and seemed reassured to see that Helena followed. She smiled at her twin before continuing.

"Love can be cruel, but surely not so twisted as Damien to his lover. I suppose that blade of his was straight when he acquired it. The whole event was remarkably theatric, to the point where I must assume that Damien urged Johann on in the first place, just so he could prove his own loyalty at tremendous cost. I'm afraid Johann is the victim, not the instigator."

"As for how long Damien's been in Father's employ, well, you needn't stage something so dire to get the attention of one who already loves you."

"Ah, well, I'm not one for politics, and I don't waste much time thinking these things through, but it was obvious to all of us that Mandy knew this was coming. He didn't even flinch when Johnny-boy shot at him. So my own idea, for what little it's worth, is that this was all set up with your father's permission, if it wasn't his idea all along." Morgan smiled again. "And that makes me wonder why? Why such a public attack, why reveal Damien's allegiance, why stage it right in front of the Queen? I may not be a deep political thinker, but I has staged a surprise doublecross or two in my time, and you don't leave things like that to chance. There are reasons for it, I'm just not seeing what they are."

He shrugged. "That's life in the big city, I guess."

"So your theory is that Father didn't act surprised, therefore he must have been involved in the plan? It's possible, I suppose, but unlikely. More likely he's done so much plotting of his own that the plots of others simply don't surprise him anymore. But let's go with your theory for a moment. What did the Prime Minister gain from the encounter? Let's see, several buildings were damaged or destroyed, any one of which could have been the real target, and the assassination attempt merely a decoy. I believe even the Queen caught fire for a moment before it was put out. As far as I could see, Johann's magic bullets seemed to miss every single target, which I find very suspicious. The only other outcome I recall was the strange fit that befell your friend the Ramblin' King. How is he, by the way?"

"Oh, he's fine. Maybe this will teach him a lesson about going for a week without much sleep or food, then spending a strenous night with a pair of twins and several bottles of strong drink." Morgan smiled. "Nah, I know him better than that," he said fondly.

Ness gave Morgan a sharp look, but said nothing.

"Anywho, as I see it, what Mandy gained is public antipathy towards Johnny-boy and his rebellion, what with destruction of citizens' property and lives from Johnny's distracting fire; a public display that even members of the Amberite royal family may well have well-loved people close to them who are actually working for Mandy; and an interesting public relations disaster for Caine and Julian. Do they let Johnny be executed, thus proving their powerlessness, or do they try to stage a rescue, risking even more assets to save that idiot? So, all in all, a big win for Mandy, however it shakes out."

At this point, they entered the dining room.

Ness glanced over at the board to see the seating arrangements. A look of shock crossed her face and she stopped dead, dragging Morgan to a stumbling halt. In a moment her mouth set in a grim line, and she scanned the room until her eyes fixed on Flora. Ness glared upon her with deepest menace, but her aunt was too busy to notice.

"Well, well, well," Morgan said. "What interesting little plots Auntie Flo weaves." In a quieter voice he added, "Control yourself unless you want to give her and your father the satisfaction of seeing you like this, Nessa. It's too late to do anything about it."

Then in his regular tone he continued, "Shall I seat you, oh frail flower of womanhood?"

Ness managed to pull a tight smile together as she turned back to her escort. "Yes, if you would please." She was silent as he helped her sit, but touched his hand briefly and mumbled "Thank you" before he departed. Then she watched forlornly as Vikund led her twin to the other side of the table.

Morgan merely nodded in reply, then made his way to his own chair. He stood behind it, then laid his hands on the back and tilted it up so it was on one leg. Then he lowered it to the floor again, then tilted it onto another leg. Then back down, then up on another leg.

He kept doing that while smiling vacantly across the table at Jurt, waiting until all the ladies were seated before finally sitting himself.

The Begman Ambassador, diagonally opposite, was watching him with some amusement.

Page last modified on July 21, 2007, at 05:59 PM