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Mandor's Edict

Index | Time Under Chaos | Concerning Amber | Mandor's Edict

The Edict of Kolvir, more commonly known as Mandor’s Edict, was an attempt by the ruling powers post-PatternFall to re-write history and to create a new, vigorous economy of Amber that would make the fermenting of rebellion and sedition in the city more difficult than it would otherwise be. To Amberites with long memories, it was and remains a propaganda exercise of epic proportions.

Rather than subjugating Amber by oppressive methods, Mandor adopted the principles of the Marshall Plan in Post-War Europe to engender the belief that Amber’s citizens had never had it so good, and that the occupation was the best thing that could have happened to the city. The Edict was merely a statement of principle, but its implementation meant that a variety of civil improvement schemes received generous subsidises to the benefit of the general populace at the expense of dispossessed nobles and merchants whose estates had been sequestered. These include:

  • Fire prevention methods
  • Education improvements for all children, regardless of gender, race or background
  • Lavish architectural projects to improve or rebuild sanitation and sewerage
  • Medical provision using the church as a facilitator, assisted by relaxation in sorcery restrictions.
  • Civil engineering projects to improve infrastructure and housing, often meaning the transportation or eviction of the native population.

The puffed up pride of the architects who head up all these improvements do not like to be reminded how much of this rebuilding was necessary due to the looting and burning that took place when Amber opened her gates. Many of the city’s treasures were lost in a few days of mindless savagery that can never truly be replaced. Mandor has done what he can to erase the memory of that night and the landmarks involved (by book burnings, selective mind-wiping, destruction of paintings and so on), but while Julian and Caine are at large such efforts are ineffective.


Page last modified on November 21, 2006, at 10:36 PM