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Jerusha Corrino

Index | Time Under Chaos | Non-Player Characters | Non-Canonical NPCs | Jerusha Corrino

Daughter of Delluth Telutci and a warrior-demon of House Telutci named Jerine, Jerusha has set aside her old House name and devoted herself to warlike pursuits in the name of House Corrino, including sword-dancing. As a child, she suffered from prejudice against her half-demon parentage, and her dedication to being everything a warrior of the Courts of Chaos should be may stem from that rejection.

She is presently estranged from her father, viewing his interest in Amber and tendency toward nonconformity as major flaws that she will not emulate.

For one denizen of Chaos's view of Jerusha's history and character, see Anga Corrino's account.

Casting: Annie Lennox

Jerusha's Threads:

Page last modified on June 13, 2007, at 06:10 PM