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Lady Irulan Corrino

Index | Time Under Chaos | Non-Player Characters | Non-Canonical NPCs | Lady Irulan Corrino

''"Do not count someone dead until you've seen her body. And even then, you can make a mistake."''

Irulan is the niece of TheEmperor Swayvill, and since the Emperor must need concentrate on the business of the Empire, the running of the House has in the last two years fallen on young Irulan. Her father Hasimir Corrino, the former person to hold the reins of power in that manner, died in an incident which is linked to his attempt to undermine his elder brother's rule as Emperor.

Irulan might be considered too young by many to run the day to day affairs of a Major House, but she possesses a keen mind, and even more important, a very good intelligence service that is said to run to Amber itself.

Irulan is played in the movie by Julie Cox

TimeUnderChaosNon-Player Characters

Page last modified on June 21, 2007, at 04:56 PM