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Shadow Name: Hajjaj
Head of State: Azizul al-Deneb
Technology: Early 21st Century Techno magic
Government: Islamic Theocracy
Style: Islamic Techno magic
Current Claimant: Baron Haaibre Hendrake (Hendrake)


Hajjaj is a vast, rich land adorned with inspiring mosques, Zulu kraals, and glorious Moorish castles. Its technological advances are bolstered by the sorcerous advances of its magicians, as Hajjaj synthesizes the power of the atom and the power of the stars.

Though possessing a very advanced society, one legacy of its bloody history remains- the war games by which the inhabitants show skill at arms and their fanatical loyalty to the Courts of Chaos. The best are accorded the distinction of serving in the Armies of Chaos. TimeUnderChaos Chaos

Page last modified on November 21, 2006, at 10:44 PM