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Friends of Delluth in Amber


Finola Macallister (Casting: Demi Moore) - Well-regarded actor, resident of Blind Chapman. Descendant of Caladonians who relocated to Amber before the Patternfall War. Married to Michael Jameson.

Michael Jameson (Casting: Greg Lindsay) - Well-regarded actor, resident of Blind Chapman. Native of Amber City, background too mixed to describe. Married to Finola Macallister.

Bhaskar (Casting: Nishanth Chandran) - A highly regarded violinist in Amber, Bhaskar traveled to the city along the trade routes with his merchant family as a young child. His musical talent and interest led them to apprentice him to a local violinist. Some time ago, when he was on the verge of becoming famous, Bhaskar’s left hand was run over by a wagon wheel. Hearing of what had happened to his acquaintance, Delluth swore him to secrecy (not wanting to be harassed by random people asking for healing) and healed the injuries as if they had never been. All Delluth seems to want in return is to hear his music and whatever gossip he picks up in the rarified musical circles in which he now moves.

Mrs. Axel (Casting: Rosemary Harris) - Delluth’s landlady. It’s undoubtedly true that she was a beauty in her youth, and probably a fine dancer. Now, though, she relies on the income from the five other flats in the building. She can be relied on to let him know what’s going on in the neighborhood, and to let Zhenechka into the flat when Delluth is out.

John Purdom (Casting: Mark Knopfler) - Guitarist, singer and front man for a newish blues/rock band in the Artist’s Quarter that calls itself the Bellringers. The band performs several songs written and/or composed by Delluth and Sarah Crowe, including one that Delluth wrote based on "The Hunting of the Snark." John’s been after Delluth to join the band as lead singer instead of just rehearsing with them sometimes; Delluth has been hesitant about it. It's not like he really needs a third career ... yet the temptation is there.

Page last modified on August 04, 2007, at 08:24 PM