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Frederick Twine

Index | Time Under Chaos | Non-Player Characters | Non-Canonical NPCs | Frederick Twine

But, in fact, Frederick Twine, Insurance salesman, was a familiar figure around the docks. Frederick, (a name he hated being shortened) was tall with narrow shoulders with a slightly pinched face and blue eyes dripping sincerity. His sculpted dark brown hair glistened and didn't move even in a stiff breeze. His bright, reassuring smile and easy style had made him top commission-earner in recent years. His usual tactic was to buy up any freehold that comes available and sell a leasehold option instead, so if if suited the purposes of his bosses they can turf out the tenant six months later. To sweeten the deal, insurance policies were usually offered gratis, though usually this just means their premises won't be fire-bombed the following night. Of course, there was no insurance against the criminal gangs that operate in Amber, especially the likes of the Keepers. His hapless clients just had to read the small print.

Page last modified on April 18, 2007, at 08:29 PM