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Elder Shrines

Many of the Royal Family, Chaosians, and Rebman nobles are so ancient they have created their own myths. They are immortal, can transform and destroy entire worlds, do supernatural feats of strength and prowess. Their influence can be felt throughout the universe. It is little wonder that some Shadow Dwellers consider the Elders as being akin to demigods. Even normal Amberites revere the Royal family. As such, several Elder temples, devoted to the various family members have begun to spring up across the city. Pilgrims visit these temples and shrines in an attempt to pay homage to these ‘divinities.’ For example, many mourners and those with missing loved ones may pray at a Deirdre shrine to gain hope and and blessings from the “fallen" Elder. For the Elders, this worship is probably quite comical, but with egos as large as theirs it is unlikely they will complain much.


Page last modified on October 17, 2006, at 12:03 AM