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Dryads are nature spirits of the wood. Usually their lifeforce is tied to one particular type of tree, and their only hope of reproduction lies in visiting mortals (non-fae, nature spirits, or other such "mythical" beasties). Fortunately, they exist in any tree of the necessary type with the same magic level necessary for their existence. This is true across shadow, so the dryad for birch trees is the same dryad across multiple shadows. Reproduction means that this territory is divided evenly among the dryads for said tree.

They also live as long as the tree type they represent, which is usually quite long enough to find a suitable mate.

Dryads are considered the most social of the nature spirits, being forced by circumstance to interact with humans (and Amberites, and Chaosians). They still remain cautious, owing to the invention of the axe.

They often seek vengeance against anyone threatening "their" tree.

Page last modified on October 18, 2006, at 04:22 AM