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Dinner in Amber: At Dinner in the Castle

One course succeeded another in the dining chamber at Amber. The fish course appeared - a delightful river trout, with a wonderfully aromatic lemon sauce, that segued into the lemon sorbet that was used to clean palates before the main course, a powerful venison ragout.

(Larissa received a series of vegetable dishes sculpted into various fantastic shapes in lieu of the fish and meat).

The ragout was removed and replaced by a crisp salad - then a selection of desserts. It was once these had been removed, and after the footmen had set out cheeses and fruits on the table with rich heavy dessert wines and port before withdrawing, that Mandor rose to his feet.

"I feel somewhat awkward," he said smoothly, "at rising to make formal announcements after such a delightful meal. But after the events of today, I feel I cannot let the occasion pass without making a few remarks. Firstly, I want to welcome our visitors from Chaos ... and secondly to reward those individuals who acted so bravely in the defence of Amber's king this morning."

Those closest to Merlin could see that although he was lolling in his chair, smiling urbanely, the hand that held his wine glass was showing white around the fingers.

"But first to our greetings," said Mandor. "I would ask you to join with me in drinking a toast to welcome my most beloved daughter and her two companions - Lady Helena Sawall-Barimen, Lady Natasha Minobee and Lady Amba Heldt."

He raised his glass, smiling.

Amba immediately stiffened, but kept herself from looking back to Helena, instead fixing her face in a smile that did not quite reach her eyes. But for all of the façade that she engaged, she did not drink.

Tasha blushed, wondering at Mandor's mention of "most beloved" in relation to Helena, for hadn't Helena mentioned that she and Lord Mandor had never met before? She flashed a smile around the table. She didn't have a glass other than water, but she raised it in acknowledgement.

Although his eyebrow was briefly furrowed, Ingrey stood at this point.

Solitaire raised her glass as well, her violet eyes moving from Helena to Cly. Through her smile, she muttered, "And to his not-so-beloved daughter Clytemnestra, that's had to put up with all of his…" The rest was lost in the general cheers and goodwill.

Damien, however, noticed and shot her a warning glance even as he raised his own glass.

Having no dog in this fight, so to speak, Petra just silently raised her glass to the females being toasted. If her glass lifted a bit more in Tear's direction, well, that didn't mean anything at all.

Jurt controlled his grin and happily toasted both the ladies with a small smile for Flora, expecting that she had some hand in this little scene.

Jurt heard the Begman Ambassador, next to him, give a wicked little chuckle.

Delluth blinked at 'Sawall-Barimen,' and drank the toast with a thoughtful expression.

Helena plastered a pleasant expression on her face as people people around her drank, though her cheeks burned. At least he kept the Barimen surname.

Merlin came slowly to his feet, raised his glass slowly to each lady in acknowledgement and then drank rather more deeply than might have been expected.

Bleys raised his glass to Tasha, next to him, and then to the ladies seated across the table.

Tasha smiled warmly to Prince Bleys and looked in concern toward the King. It appeared to her that Merlin seemed disturbed by the toast, but she didn't see any reason for it, though she had to admit she didn't know anything about any of these people seated around this table, and that made her feel a bit uneasy, and her smile faded.

Chadwick, perhaps the least suspicious among them, looked at his glass for a moment as if something had just come to mind. He then lifted his glass with a smile to those nearby, particularly those who'd spoken to him, and took a deep drink.

Morgan stood and smiled at the three ladies being toasted, and emptied his glass with a flourish.

Ingrey turned in the general direction where Amba, Helena and Tasha all were located. He gave a nod to each one in turn, starting with Helena and ending with Tasha. He took a sip once he finished the gesture, and then repeated the process, starting with Tasha and ending with Helena. He took one more sip and remained standing as if expecting more toasts.

Tasha returned Ingrey's nod and Morgan's smile with a nod of her own and her smile retured, one of recognition for the two men.

Helena stood and regarded her biological father at the foot of the table. "My thanks, and please allow me to return the toast. To Lord Mandor, who--though he knows me not from a stranger and whom I have met for the first time just today--has extended his generous hospitality to me and my companions. He shows honor not just to me, but to my adoptive House as well, House Ishtar. Again, my thanks."

She smiled and raised her glass to Mandor, a glint of challenge in her narrowed eyes, before drinking deeply and returning to her seat.

Clytemnestra turned briefly to the Kashfan ambassador, and those sitting near heard her whisper, "My apologies, Lord Karim, but tradition demands," before pouring herself a glass of the wine.

She stood and raised the glass to Helena. "To my dear sister Nell, whom I've missed for so very long. I feel as if a piece of my soul is returned to me. May we never be parted again." She then drained the glass in one long quaff before returning to her seat.

Helena's forced expression slipped into a genuine smile for her sister. "May we never be parted again," she repeated and raised her glass in return. "Never."

Morgan grinned, held his glass out to a servant to be filled once more, sloshed the contents vaguely in the direction of Mandor, and then drank half of it off in one long swallow.

At these words, Amba's smile became something between a smirk and it's former self- but definitely more natural, as she drank to Helena's return toast.

Ingrey repeated the gesture toward Lord Mandor, and toward Clytemnestra tipping the glass in each direction, drinking once, and then repeating it in reverse before sitting down.

"To Lord Mandor," Tasha raised her water glass toward the man who had issued the invitation for her to come to Amber, though now she was no longer too sure for what purpose it was she had come.

Vikund toasted enthusiastically, but looked jovial enough to toast his worst enemy at this moment.

Mandor let the toasts die down and everyone resume their seats.

"The second business," he said, "as I have said already, is to reward those who conducted themselves so admirably this morning. The Lady Rissa, for example ... her courage and strength should be matched with a title of import. And what great honour can we bestow to name her as Defender of the People? With the duty of defending those poor souls who come before our courts with no recourse to any other justice?

"Lady Rissa," who had given no indication of hearing anything that had been said after Chadwick had given up, turned another page. She was almost through her book--as though she had timed it to last through dinner.

"And, of course, we must reward Morgan, who risked his own life to save the King. Overseer of the Customs and Excises duties might be held by some to be a sinecure, but I am sure Morgan will keep a very close eye on the importation and export of spirituous liquors.

"Whee," Morgan said under his breath. He leaned back in his chair and began counting on his fingers.

"There is also Vikund, my invaluable second, who we are delighted to appoint now as Keeper of the Keys.

A wash of relief overcame Solitaire as the conversation moved away from her; thus allowing her to curl into her chair and escape further notice. She nursed her wine glass, running an elfin finger around its rim as Mandor passed out his titles to those assembled. She closed her eyes and appeared to drift off.

"And Damien. What reward can we give to Damien, who proved his loyalty to the Crown so highly? Herewith we name him as Lord of Garnath, and Warden of Arden, the latter of which must be, alas, for the moment a title only until he can gain the lands to support it. But I trust that will not be long in coming. Already we are seeing Julian's followers deserting ... either through despair or because they realise that their true home is here, with us, in Amber."

He bowed slightly in Islain's direction.

Solitaire's violet eyes snapped open and glanced up at Mandor incredulously. She shook her head and returned to her thoughts, which remained her own and unknowable.

Morgan made a choking sound, and brought his glass to his face. Behind it, he was clearly struggling to suppress laughter.

Petra didn't bother to even try and hide her initial reaction. Which, really, not even Flora could have expected //Petra// to restrain herself. She very nearly snorted her wine in her obvious amusement. She did visibly restrain herself from giving voice to the full extent of her incredulousness, but it was a narrow victory. It didn't faze her one bit that she was sitting between Damien and Mandor either.

Delluth listened to it all with the faintly puzzled air that served him as impassivity, except that Morgan's appointment made his lips quirk with amusement - and Damien's second appointment made his gaze snap to Islain's face.

Ingrey briefly showed a look of surprise at the last announcement. Still, he smoothly placed his hands together and gave a polite round of applause.

Damien simply sat there and smiled, as if it was all as he had expected.

Islain, fully aware that Mandor's quick glance, and the mention of Julian, would afford her some notice, simply nodded, smiled and applauded the appointments politely. Whatever was working behind her green eyes was not in evidence at the moment.

Chadwick was openly enthusiastic about the appointments, even Morgan's. He gave smiles and more than polite applause as the titles were given out, and even a "thumb's up" to Damien.

Flora, perfectly poised, rose to her feet. "And on that note, perhaps the ladies should withdraw and leave you to your brandy ... ladies, we shall find our drinks in the Star ... "

Before she could finish, Merlin was on his feet, staring at Mandor.

"What have you done?" he demanded.

Mandor, the imperturbable, lifted an eyebrow. Then ...

Paloma was on her feet - the Chaos-sensitive in the room were aware of her trying to draw the Logrus around her for protection.

Solitaire suddenly felt a weakness, an appalling weakness, as though her bones were turned to water. Delluth was struck by a feeling of nausea, weakening him. Mandor was suddenly pale, and breathing hard.

Other Chaosians felt as though an icy breeze had passed through the room.

Those with other powers, or none at all, felt nothing.Delluth pushed himself to sit up straight, laying his hands flat on the table as if he might get to his feet. "That was interesting," he remarked in a musing tone, which nonetheless was audible even at the far end of the table. And he focused his mind to activate Logrus Sight, which he manifested subtly, as a sheen of black over his physical eyes.

Zhenechka, who had woken up from a nap when Mandor interrupted the dinnertime chatter, sat up alertly at the sound of Delluth's voice, and looked toward his master for any signal.

Ness's eyes flicked between her father and her sister. She half stood, but didn't seem to know which way to go. "Father?" she called down the table.

Mandor's eyes flickered towards her and then away, towards Helena as though to see she was uninjured.

Helena's eyes were wide, also looking from Ness to Mandor and back. She looked up at Merlin and over at Amba, searching for explanations.

Amba looked over her shoulder at Merlin in surprise at the outburst, then backed a step as she felt the breeze. At that step, she caught Helena's eye, then looked back at the King, questioning...

Ingrey swayed somewhat on his feet as that icy breeze washed over him. His hand grasped the table and clenched it tightly until the sensation passed. His eyes raked along the table, briefly alighting on each person before returning to looking straight ahead.

Morgan was on his feet, his chair overturned several feet behind him, so quickly that few people had even seen him move. Two throwing knives were in his hand, and his eyes were flicking back and forth over everyone in the room.

Helena and Amba might note that reflexes like that would make him one helluva sword dancer.

A majority of Helena's attention focused on Morgan and the knives in his hands, though she still continued to spare a glance at the people around her.

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister shows no sign of anticipating whatever has happened..." Damien said in his most calming voice as he rose, both palms in plain view. He gave a quick glance up and down the table, noting each person's reactions in turn.

"It would seem to involve the Logrus... might I humbly suggest the Ambassadorial party retire with the Princess Florimel, as irregular as that may be?" Damien suggested, glancing back and forth between Mandor and Merlin.

Flora had risen.

"Indeed," she began smoothly. "If I might suggest .. "

Solitaire gasped as her body betrayed her, the glass slipping from her numb fingers to roll from the table and shatter on the floor. "Most peculiar--" she whispered to no one in particular. And with that she promptly pitched over backwards, her eyes fluttering like the wings of a dying bird.

Her hand caught the edge of her chair, slowing her enough to prevent a nasty fall. She slid to the floor as her legs folded up beneath her. The ground called to her and she heeded its siren song, lying down. She realized she needed to get up, but her limbs remained leaden and unresponsive. "My dress," she protested softly, as if more worried about getting wine on it, rather than her current condition.

Vikund had watched proceedings impassively up to this point, but he did tense when Tears' chair tipped. His hand reached out momentarily, only to snap back under the table when he realised that the catastrophe had been averted. His face remained expressionless.

Flora didn't quite roll her eyes. She just managed to give the impression that, had she been a vulgar, low bred person, she might. - Show quoted text - Petra's gaze had moved from Mandor - who was struggling, to Merlin - who was not. She might have remarked on it if Solitaire's reactions had not been the most alarming. The Cornaron born was on her feet and moving around the table to check on the young woman while Damien yammered on. She had no idea what was going on, but even she could see this was Not Good..

Solitaire blinked up at Petra. Shame colored her face the instant she recognized the woman now helping her. The burning humiliation provided her enough stubborn energy to sit up. "I'm fine," she rasped, fighting the overwhelming fatigue. "I slipped is all."

Petra snorted softly. "Rubbish," she remarked in a low, matter of fact tone. "And since it is not just you reacting to ... something, there is hardly any need to feel embarrassed."

Then she didn't give her a chance to argue, but she didn't treat her as a helpless little bird either. She kicked the stem of the wineglass out of the way and offered Tear a hand up instead of picking her up.

Ingrey's stare forward was broken by Tear's severe reaction. He looked down the table to where the Baroness sat, and relaxed a fraction as she saw Petra offer Tear her hand.

Larissa had glanced briefly at Tear when the girl fell, but done nothing as she had seen Petra hurry to her side. She sat calmly, an index finger marking her place in her book, and looked around the room, cold and interested, at the variety of reactions.

Possibly recognizing her own limitations, Solitaire didn't refuse Petra's assistance. She leaned on the woman for the brief moment it took to stand back up. By then the dizziness had passed, allowing her to regain her balance. She smoothed her dress and straightened up to her full, less-than-impressive height. Her violet eyes stared up at Petra, studying her face for a moment; caught between wounded pride and genuine relief. "Thank you," she said. "You really didn't have to help me. I've troubled you enough already." A pained emphasis surrounded the word, 'you.' A sharp glance at Vikund hinted at where that pain might stem.

Vikund's only acknowledgement was a sharp sideways look, before he took another drink of wine.

Solitaire pulled away, "Master Damien's suggestion might be for the best."

"On the contrary," said Mandor. "Some of us are needed elsewhere. However, Clytemnestra, you will assist your Aunt. You know what you have to do. The Lord of Garnath has made an excellent suggestion - I trust you will act on it promptly."

Ness glared at him but made no sign of leaving.

Ingrey rose and walked down the length of the room toward Paloma. For those who paid attention, every fifth step was hesitant, and accompanied by Ingrey closing his eyes and raising a hand to his temple. Finally he reached Paloma's chair and stood by it, waiting for her to rise so that he might escort her back to Flora and the exit.

Flora nodded. "If you will," she said. "I'm sure that the Prime Minister will have matters in train ... Professor, will you join us? I'm sure we can provide a restorative. Chadwick, dear."

Chadwick immediately followed his mother, smiling at Amba as he left.

Uncharacteristically, the Professor did not even acknowledge that she had spoken; he was sitting entirely motionless, absorbed in whatever he was doing.

And she left the room with the diplomats following her.

And so, following Paloma, Ingrey left the room.

Jurt stole a glance at the retreating Princess and her Begman charge, before noticing that Tasha seemed to be slumped in her chair.

Bleys, instead of making straight for the door, headed towards Mandor. "If I might be of assistance ... "

"Thank you," said Mandor. "But no. We can deal with this."

Bleys bowed his head in acknowledgement and headed for the door after his sister, pausing only to say something quietly to Larissa as he passed.

Larissa's expression changed from one of polite interest to annoyance. "You're one to talk, Uncle," she muttered, though one would have had to be close to hear it.

It was at this point that Delluth stirred, dropping the Sight and pressing one hand to his forehead, wincing.

Once they had withdrawn, Mandor glanced along the table.

"Morgan, I am sure I have no need to tell you to protect the king."

"Like hell he will," said Merlin. "Mandor - that was an attack on the Queen!"

Petra blanched and turning from Tear to head for the door.

Mandor's hand shot out to catch at Petra's wrist with far more than human speed. "Indeed," he said calmly. "And we will deal with it." The words were directed at Petra as much as Merlin - a promise. "It is your Majesty's duty to remain here ... "

Petra's looked incredulously from her captured wrist to Mandor. How dare he? Then her eyes narrowed and she looked ready to chew nails if he did not release her //at once//.

His attention locked on Merlin, he did not seem aware of her. But she realised the grip had loosened slightly - not enough to pull away without considerable loss of dignity, though.

"It is my Majesty's duty to protect my people," said Merlin.

"Which," said Mandor, and there was ice in his voice, "you will do best by remaining here."

Merlin glared at him, for a long, slow moment. Then Merlin's eyes lowered and he dropped into his chair, sulkily.

"Oh, very well."

"Good," said Mandor. He turned to Petra. "My lady, you have a trump of the Queen, I am sure. And I am equally sure you would prefer to deal with this yourself - but that was an attack by a high lord of Chaos - and it is vital for the security of the realm that we established not only the damage done, but who caused it, and why."

Her lips narrowed to a thin line. "I think we know who caused it," she replied archly.

"I have enemies among the High Lords of Chaos," he said, "and Amber has many more. I would not have thought their target would be the Queen without some additional motivating force."

He glanced around at those who remained at the table. "Who is with us?"

Damien raised a single finger, and an eyebrow to match.

Mandor's glance found Delluth still there, and stopped. The Professor was looking at Merlin, but now he met Mandor's gaze. "There's another Chaosian down there, probably prostrate," he said, trying not to wince at the way talking made his head ache. "The Lord definitely isn't." He looked toward Solitaire, apparently expecting her to leave also.

His eye fell on Solitaire. "Oh no, my little shrinking violet, you're coming with us. Don't you want to help your friend, that strapping young security guard?"

Upon Helena's agreement to this request, Ness finally left her seat. She strolled deliberately around the table to her sister, whispered "I'll be back. I promise.", and kissed her cheek. Then, with one last significant look at her father, she belatedly followed her aunt.

Solitaire's head snapped around and her eyes flashed with violet lightning. "Don't. Call. Me. That." She spoke through clenched teeth, each word dripping with venom. For an instant, she stepped forward, as if ready to claw Mandor's eyes out. But then she smiled politely, almost innocently. Somehow, the calm expression was even more unsettling than her previous anger.

"Of course, Master," she said sweetly. The shadows around the young woman's feet began to stir, as she summoned the Sign to her in preparation of things to come.

"Don't exert yourself, Solitaire," Delluth said, having reached her side. "Take my word for it." His slight smile was pained.

"Indeed," said Mandor. "Control the Logrus until we know just what we're dealing with. Unless you wish to tear the ship's fabric apart inadvertently."

Solitaire's gaze—cool as amethyst—drifted between her two mentors. Her hand cut through the air with a maestro's grace, plucking strands of darkness from it. She wove these around her like a shawl, letting the dark filaments sink into the fabric of her dress. "The Logrus played nursemaid to me, gentlemen," she said frankly. "I know its moods. Just as I know my limitations. But thank you for reminding me of them, yet again."

She reached out her hand once more, narrowing her eyes in concentration. A candlestick lifted off the dinner table and glided into her fingers, as graceful as a hunting bird. "Rego Ignem," she whispered. The yellow flame coiled up between her fingers, licking playfully at her skin before returning to its normal size and shape. "I'm ready," she said with a satisfied nod.

Solitaire smiled up at Delluth, "And I'll be careful, Professor. This time, I won't be caught unaware."

"I want Helena and her friend to stay here with me," said Merlin petulantly. "And get drunk. If I'm to stay here."

Helena looked around warily--she still hadn't quite taken her eye off of Morgan--and replied, "All right, then. We'll stay. Right, Amba?"

Amba had been ready to speak up in favor of going, but sighed. "Whatever is best," she said.

Helena flashed her a wry smile, one that said she was dubious about the "being best" choice too, but that she had her reasons for staying.

Petra was looking archly at Mandor. "I am not a child," she said coolly. "Release me, and then explain to me how you know this occurred on the Queen and that Goran is involved?"

He released her wrist now.

"I believe the attack occurred on the Queen," he said, "because Merlin tells me so. As for Goran - my dear lady, would you not expect your security officers to be involved when such a thing occurs? If only to justify their salary. I'm sure Vincenzo is involved too, but I hardly think our sweet Solitaire would leap to trump to his rescue, unless she is having a particularly altruistic day."

Solitaire narrowed her eyes at this, but ignored Mandor for the moment. "The King is sensitive to such disruptions," she said. "And the Queen has been the site for several occurrences of late, according to everyone. There must be something to this. But for now speculation is useless. We need to go. Now."

Morgan was moving around the edge of the room, eyes still darting around, as though he suspected an attack to come at any moment. The knives had vanished again, hidden once more somewhere on his person.

He finally came to rest with his back against a wall, standing directly behind Merlin.

The Professor's dog, only a few feet away, looked at him curiously.

Still seated at the table, and totally unaware of the conversation going on around her, Tasha stared off with unseeing, blank-black eyes....

Jurt circled the table and took Tasha's wrist in his hand, checking for a pulse and looking for the rise and fall of breathing.

Larissa pushed away from the table and strode toward the door, as though the conflict of wills a few seats away were merely a bit of theater. She passed close to Islain, seemingly just so she could gather her skirts to avoid them brushing against her sister's. Islain was on the receiving end of a look en passant through slitted eyes, and then Larissa swept out the door.

Jurt softly shook the young Minobee and called her name, "Tasha, Tahsa, are you alright? Tasha?"

The black in Tasha's eyes slowly cleared. Jurt was close enough to see the clear blue of her eyes slowly begin to show again through the flecks of black peppering them. Tasha gasped and put her free hand up to her head, "What? What happened? Was there something in the food?"

This strange question distracted Delluth from whatever he'd been about to say to Helena, and he looked sharply at Tasha and Jurt.

Vikund watched the diners disperse before dabbing his lips with his napkin and folding it carefully on the table in front of him. He rose without a word and followed in the footsteps of the ambassadors.

Islain rose too, and made her stately way from the room in the wake of the ambassadors.

Through it all, Petra was still staring at Mandor. She had produced a Trump card from somewhere and was tapping it impatiently with the tip of a pale lavender nail.

"Now," said Mandor to Petra. He reached out one hand towards Petra - and stretched the other towards Solitaire. "Take Lord Garnath's hand, Lady."

Solitaire did as she was told, balancing her candle with delicate precision.

Petra made a noise that could have meant anything as she took Mandor's hand with her free one. She left it to the rest to get themselves in order in a timely fashion. But she didn't care one way or the other as she focused on the card that came alive quickly in her hand.

"Since you ask, my lord," Delluth answered promptly. He signaled Zhenechka to wait, then moved to take Damien's free hand.

Damien, who already held Petra's hand with his left, extended his right to the good Doctor.

Helena started as Delluth reached out. "Dr. Corrino," she said, "when you return for your dog I would like to speak to you then, if I may."

"Of course, my lady," he said courteously.

Left behind in the ballroom were Merlin, Morgan, Helena, Amba - and Jurt and the recovering Tasha.

And Zhenechka, who lay down again with a sigh, and went back to watching Morgan.

Jurt held Tasha's hand with some obvious concern and turned to his remaining brother and then to Morgan. "Perhaps His Majesty would be better served someplace more secure," he suggested.

He bowed slightly to Merlin. "With your leave, I'm going to take the young lady off to ensure she's alright."

Merlin waved a hand dismissively.

Page last modified on August 16, 2007, at 12:48 AM