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The Seduction of Chadwick: Below Decks in the Ramblin' Queen

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"She needs to get things off her chest from time to time," Morgan answered. "So I like to give her an excuse. It's good for her." He glanced down at the Prime Minister's carriage, "Actually, if we could go somewhere private for a minute, Merlin has a special favour to ask for. Better discussed off the deck, though."

She looked askance at him then turned, motioning him to join her. "The parlor we reserve for Merlin is free. You know the one. I need to make sure she knows about Mandor before he actually steps on her. Give me three minutes." She eyed him from head to toe and back. "You might want to freshen up... and find a hairbrush."

Antonia turned on her heel and headed back inside, leaving Morgan to get himself to the parlor.

[The parlor is decorated like the rest of the place in the Art Nouveau style. This room is large and uses shades of green with touches of silver and black. Morgan would have been there often enough to know his way to make himself at home at the bar. Since they never really know if His Maj is showing up or not, there is a tray of appetizers in there as well. Just in case.]

Morgan poured some water into a water basin and splashed his face and hands clean, then dried them with the small towel next to the basin. He left the towel wadded up next to the basin, and stood in front of the mirror, running a hand through his hair until it was back into some semblance of order.

Once he was satisfied with his appearance he began picking through the appetizers, picking them up one by one, examining their appearance and smell, and then either ate them or else dropped them back on the tray.

Antonia slipped in as he was dropping yet another tidbit back on the tray. "Must you do that?" she inquired archly. Not bothering to wait for a reply as she was familiar enough with his ideas of acceptable behavior, she walked to the bar and poured herself a brandy before turning to face him.

"Now, what is this big secret request?" Antonia smiled slowly. "Is it good?"

"It's a mission of mercy," Morgan said. He threw himself down in one of the chairs, one leg over an arm. "Larissa and Merlin are worried about one of our cousins. The poor boy is shy, and still a virgin. Totally inexperience, and we're all worried about what sort of dreadful complexes he might develop. Merlin, of course, immediately thought of the Queen. What lad could dream of a better introduction to adult joys then the lovely, talented, and oh-so-clever ladies to be found here?"

The action of lifting her glass to her lips, she paused halfway. She stared for several seconds. "Oh, you are joking, surely," she responded with a sultry laugh. "One of your family is shy? Virgin? Have they gone through puberty yet?" Antonia sipped her drink and while she still looked amused, the eyes were calculating.

"A male cousin in Amber who hasn't been here yet," she said thoughtfully and then her eyebrow inched toward her hairline. "If it is who I am thinking of, you are going to be in so much trouble tomorrow."

"Well, then I won't have to worry about a little thing like some hoofmarks on a boat deck, will I? See, it all works out for the best for everyone." Morgan stretched lazily in the chair. "We'll be coming in sometime tonight, not sure when. I'm assuming Merl will want to trump in, although you never know, we may just steal a boat and come sailing after you. Talk to Petra about who would be good for this task, someone sweet, who can handle a fellow who doesn't know how things fit together, and, for all I can tell, doesn't even know yet that they do fit together."

He sat up. "Oh, and I don't think I need to add, but I will anyway, that there's no reason to bother anyone else with knowledge of this. After all, a fellow wants his affairs kept private, not spread around where his momma may hear about it.

He smiled. "I don't mean to be insulting by saying that. I know that the Queen is the last word in discretion. But it never hurts to remind each other of how important that discretion is, now, does it?"

Antonia looked properly affronted and a tad angry as she drew herself up. "What happens here, stays here, Captain. It is one of our strongest rules. It is not *our people* you will have to worry about. I will inform Petra of your plans as soon as possible. There are two I can think of immediately who would be more than up to it without frightening the boy and who can be entrusted to give the task the attention it deserves."

Morgan's grin just grew wider as she spoke.

"If it is complete discretion you seek for the young man, I would suggest that His Majesty or one of your party call Petra directly. Rowing out and scrambling over the railing like monkeys with several people in tow is going to draw attention from those out on the decks. You may thrive on that, but I cannot see that your shy cousin will.

"To whom shall we send the bill?"

"It's amazing," he said with admiration. "So many women become so stiff and unattractive when they are angry, but on you it just adds to your beauty. It's your passionate nature, no doubt." He stood.

"Send the bill to me," he said. "Just add refinishing the deck to it, as 'messenger service' or something. I'll probably get someone else to pay it, and it's nice and convenient to have it all together in one lump sum."

"You, Captian, are the very picture of an irritating man," Antonia retorted. She set her glass down with a touch more force then necesary.

"We will tack it on and label it as Polishing. That is what you are asking us to do, afterall."

Morgan chuckled. "Much as I'd love to stay and continue irritating you, I need to get back to the castle. A useless drone's life is a busy one, you know."

He swept by her, pausing to swerve and kiss her on the cheek in a sudden gesture, then ducking to avoid her response.

"Adieu, my one true love," he said, sweeping her a bow from the doorway of the parlor. "Pine not for me, for you know that wherever I am, and whoever I am with, you are always in my thoughts!"

And then he was gone.

Antonia watched him leave, her eyes burning holes in his back and debating the pros and cons of throwing a glass at his head. "Infuriating man."

In the end, she reclaimed her glass and went to initiate Operation: Pan.

Morgan's departure was uneventful. He simply leaped from an upper deck of the Queen onto the lines of a passing vessel, and swung with an attention-drawing shout from that ship onto the docks. The awning of a deck-side restaurant provided a gentle landing. He then rode Joy back to the Castle.

End of Thread

Page last modified on December 23, 2006, at 08:18 AM