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... A large, stooped, grey and red demonic form, horned and half-scaled, regarded me with elliptically pupiled eyes. Its fangs were bared in a smile --Prince of Chaos

And so I slept, surrounded by tapestries and heavy drapes, in a doorless chamber in the Ways of Suhuy. It might have been in a tower, as I could hear the winds passing beyond the walls... -- Prince of Chaos

Suhuy was not the first child of Chaos, but the distinction is lost in the face of Logrus radiation(r). Suhuy the man has long since disappeared into the mastery and focus that is the Logrus Master. Logrus Master Suhuy was born to the late Princess Aikiko and The Thing That Should Not Be, a coupling that would yield 5 children. (T3SNB was very prolific, and Suhuy's cousins are incalculable)

Amongst his immediate siblings he was known to exhibit the qualities most like their father. Some even point to the tentacles of Logrus as a pervasive trait of all Logrus Masters, as if Suhuy's influence entered their mind... perhaps it is not the Logrus itself that drives them mad.

Some whisper in hushed tones in corners of Amber's darkest wards that the thing that we know as Suhuy is only a fragment of the true Suhuy. The true Suhuy, they say, is of monstrous proportions, and extends his tentacles through the very fabric of Chaos. He can hear every discussion, he can watch every trist, and he can remove any being that he finds lacking. The response is usually that he must be very tolerant.

Of his brothers and sisters, only one has not survived: Drekliish the Unsteady. The others maintain a distance from Suhuy and avoid political highlighting. The closest one ever got to the forefront was Allia, who married a Lord that became the head of a minor house. Suhuy didn't send a card.

The Master of the Logrus does not field the political army that many do, for the simple fact that he doesn't need them. That is not to say that there are no threats to one so lofty, but that he has been known to dispatch would-be competitors without trying... his concentration best left to deal with Dworkin and the rebellious lot over in Amber.

Suhuy's efforts had been challenged by Dworkin primarily, but a shift of power came when Oberon imprisoned his father. There was little that would stand in his way. He made ready in-roads and demonstrated to anyone looking that he could easily take Amber. Imagine his surprise when it wasn't Dworkin who noticed.

It was Brand.

Then the war happened. Suhuy's only role was in showing those upstarts how to build black roads. He didn't have to inspire or coerce Brand, nor shove Oberon onto the Pattern. They worked their undoings all by themselves.

TimeUnderChaosNon-Player CharactersChaosElders

Page last modified on November 22, 2006, at 02:58 AM