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Lady Paloma Baccaran

Index | Time Under Chaos | Non-Player Characters | Non-Canonical NPCs | Paloma Baccaran

"The sooner you stop being my problem, and start being my solution, the better off you will be."

Lady Paloma Baccaran is the head of the Chaosian Embassy to the Court of Amber and the Shadows in its vicinity.

Paloma is a no nonsense bureaucrat who relies on information control and her keen mind to keep the advantage in negotiating situations. She prefers non violent methods of resolving conflicts and situations.

Paloma seems to enjoy the art of negotiation and the give and take of debate and rhetoric, and seems only truly frustrated when confronted with stalling and true intransigence.

Paloma is also known to work closely with Bleys. She is Ingrey Wererathe's senior.

Lady Paloma Baccaran's Casting Call is Jodie Foster.

Read a couple of Interview Questions for Paloma

TimeUnderChaosNon-Player Characters

Page last modified on November 27, 2006, at 01:59 AM