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[continued from Escaping the Fae]

And in a flicker of rainbow light they were gone, leaving Petra alone with the Rangers—who did not look to be amused at this turn of events.

Petra made a noise that could have meant a hundred different things as she looked to the spot the others had been in. She sighed and gave the lead Ranger an apologetic look and a one armed shrug.

"Blonde chicks," said Petra, as if that explained everything. Benedict's girl smoothed down her Sidhe robes and gave her attention back to the trail.

One of the Rangers snorted. A couple were grinning broadly.

"The Warden will still want to see you, Ma'am," said the most senior among them, but it sounded more like an invitation.

"Of course he does." She returned a cheeky grin. "And I would like to see him too." Then Petra furrowed her brow slightly. "I haven't grossly underestimated that twit Damien and he's managed to take over in a day, have I? Mandor, comedy genius that he is, told him he was the new Warder."

The Ranger grinned. "I'm thinking he forgot to mention that to Prince Julian. Maybe you can take him the news yourself!"

"Oh, I'm sure he already knows," Petra chuckled. She had sent Alex out to tell him that among other things. "He is, afterall, Julian. Tales I have read from the old days say that even the wind that rustles the trees speaks to him."

"That's true enough," agreed the Ranger. "He's in the Western Ranges now—an hour's ride. Not hard going."

"Then this will be the most time I've spent in Arden since I set foot in Amber," Petra replied brightly, and settled in for the ride.

She chatted with the Rangers; light and inconsequential things for the most part. If they asked about things in Amber—places, people, events—she freely told them what she knew, and she knew quite a bit. Being the owner of the Queen plugged her into all manner of gossip, rumor and innuendo—most of it easily recounted to be amusing.

It was an easy way to pass an hour, but she could read their body language easy enough when they neared Julian's current position, and she became more alert herself.

Julian was in the clearing; he walked forward at seeing their arrival—his dark eyes scanning around.

It was impossible to tell from his face whether he was delighted to see her or furious. And when he spoke, his tone too was devoid of emotion.

"What happened to the others?"

There was really no hiding the sarcasm with the mood she was in after this little adventure. "I'm fine, Julian. How very sweet of you to ask." Petra dismounted, gave her horse a pat on the side and turned to her uncle. "I have no idea. One of them got a Trump call, and since they were riding the same horse, they left together. There's no point in getting in a snit over it; none of us could have stopped them. I have even less of an idea where Thomas got off to. He was with us during the escape, but when I looked around after we arrived, I didn't see him. For all I know, he turned into a tree."

"I guess that's my cue," called a voice from the edge of the clearing. Thomas rode slowly forward, flanked by Rangers on horseback. They didn't look like an honor guard.

Petra turned at the sound of his voice and eyed the Rangers before giving Thomas a look of mild disapproval.

He didn't stop until he was close to where Petra was standing, then dismounted. Petra got a long, searching look, Julian an even longer one, then a hint of a smile as he turned back to Petra.

"Should I say something about morning wood?" he asked.

"I'm thinking probably not," she replied blandly after another look at Julian's stoic expression.

She turned back to the Warder and gestured at the other man. "This is Thomas. I am afraid I do not know much more beyond he was rescued from the clutches of the Fae Queen by Helena."

"Thomas, this is Prince Julian, Warder and Protector of Arden," Petra continued, making notable use of the Amber titles granted him by the last rightfully recognized preoccupation Kings of Amber."

"I know you," said Julian, looking levelly at Thomas. "Deirdre's son. Our father made her leave you to the Fae. I never thought they would hold you from Amber. Unfortunately you've made your escape rather late in the day - as Petra can tell you."

Petra looked over at Thomas with a guarded expression.

"It's true, then." Thomas stepped back, head shaking slightly, as if a ton of emotional bricks had just hit him. "And she's gone, long gone."

"Si," the hazel eyed woman said softly and in a vaguely distant tone. "Nothing is as it was." Then she frowned and turned back to Julian. "Why would Oberon make Deirdre leave her son with the Fae?"

"He wanted all attachments between us at an ends before he sealed the Otherland away," said Julian, still staring hard at Thomas. "For Corwin and Flora, it was easier. They had handed no hostages to fortune."

"He was clever," Thomas said, distantly, looking around. For the first time, he appeared nervous to be standing within the boundaries of Arden. "But now, the seal is weak. If not completely broken. All a wasted effort."

Petra started, suddenly reminded. "Their Queen, she was not pleased to have Thomas taken from her and unable to take any of the rest of us. She says the Moon will bring the Riders once more in the hour of darkness now that the bindings are loosened and Oberon dead."

A muscle moved in Julian's jaw.

"You had better come inside. Some matters are best not spoken of beneath the open trees, and I need you to tell me everything."

He gestured towards a dwelling half-hidden beneath gorse.

"You too," he said to Thomas.

Petra nodded and headed inside the sturdy dwelling, pushing aside the yellow flowered boughs that extended into her path. The interior was simple with rough-hewn furnishings. It was not built for entertaining or for comfort. But the bed in the corner had several well made quilts that had the look of being Arden-made, as did the cushions of muted patchwork in the chairs by the currently cold fireplace. It smelled of wood and old fires and coffee.

Petra shucked off her outer robe and draped it over one of the chairs before helping herself to some of the strong Ranger coffee on the stove. She looked out of place, but it was clearly a familiar enough type of setting.

Thomas looked around as he entered, still frowning a little at the brusqueness in which he was invited. He looked nearly as comfortable there as Julian himself, though he blinked a little at the fashioned furniture.

He kept quiet, waiting for the others to speak first.

Julian waited until they were seeing settled and then said, "Clearly, there are several tales to be told here. Perhaps you can tell me what happened to you, Petra, unclouded by anything I might be able to tell of an earlier time."

He glanced again at Thomas as he spoke—he seemed to be measuring him, or perhaps looking to find something in his face.

Petra shifted in her seat and curled her fingers around her cup. "It all started at a family dinner that I got roped into attending at the castle—not that it was limited to family," she added with a faint look of distaste. "During dinner, Mandor handed out a couple of posts—" she gave her uncle a pointed look. "Including making Damien Warder of Arden."

A muscle clenched in Julian's cheek, but he said nothing.

She paused to sip her coffee and waited for Julian to ask questions if he had any before she moved to the next 'big thing'.

Thomas simply looked confused once the name 'Mandor' was dropped. "Is that one of those Chaosians, like the ugly one at Tir?"

"I'm afraid I don't know anything about the ugly one at Tir," Petra shrugged. "Mandor is Merlin's half brother and the Prime Minister of Amber." She paused a brief moment before adding information Thomas likely didn't have: "Merlin is the son of Corwin and Dara the Younger of Chaos. Merlin was set up as King by those running the Occupation—those being Mandor and Merlin's other half brother, Jurt. Mandor is smooth, sly, handsome, intriguing and dangerous. He is the literary personification of The Devil as a Gentleman. He is also currently missing. But that comes later in the story."

"Then continue," said Julian. "One thing ... do you know the present whereabouts of Damien?"

"I do not," Petra replied with a slight shake of her head. "And the idea of him skulking about in the shadows should make everyone nervous." She reached for a pocket that should have held a cigarette case and then made a face. It would have disappeared with the rest of her clothes, dammit. Her fingertips tapped on the side of her cup.

"During dinner, there was some sort of disturbance among the Chaos born at the table. They all suddenly felt rather ill. Merlin announced something had happened on the Queen. There was a small battle between them about who was going to investigate. Wretched man wouldn't let me go alone, so I had to wait for Mandor, and Damien, and Delluth. It seemed that Duke Helgram managed to someone possess one of my clients through a coin of some sort. Pattern was thrown about, one of them ending when the client...melted when the possession broke."

She frowned a moment. "I skipped Helgram, didn't I? He arrived yesterday? The night before? The shadow travel has me confused. Swayvill has appointed him Minister of Ordered Affairs. His intention is to seek out all manifestations of the Pattern. And destroy them."

She gestured at the three of them. "That includes us, by the way."

When Tir rose early, it was obvious someone was tampering with the intent to get to Tir. We assume it was Helgram." Petra looked to Thomas. "Perhaps that was your ugly fellow."

"Ah. I let him drop," Thomas said. "I had my sights set on Helena, and pulled her up with me as Tir faded. Unless your Swayvill wanted to kill him by proxy, I think Helgram would have survived the fall. It's a pity."

"This was on Tir?" said Julian. The muscle is his cheek jumped again. "You came through form Tir? The seal is broken?"

He looked at Petra. "What was the effect of this below?"

Petra shrugged. "I can't say for certain. When it happened, Mandor had taken me to check on Johann in his cell. He wasn't there and the place was so imbued with Pattern by Johann's accomplices that it knocked Mandor right out. With all the confusion going on—and a couple of Pattern wielders on the Queen trying to correct Tir's early appearance, I ended up leaving the Prime Minister in the hands of Dr. Delluth—who sent him back to Chaos." She snorted. "He seemed to feel that the clinic in his family's Ways was the best place for him in his condition. Goddess only knows what's going to happen to him over there. They aren't very happy with him on the Other End of Everything."

"I was with Ness looking for Helena by that time. Merlin Trumped me to let me know he had found his brother—sort of. He said he was going to get him. Pan led us to where Helena was seen, where we encountered a man Ness is convinced was Benedict, but he ran off when the Fae Queen's Hunt found us. We had the whole mythic rescue of Thomas, and then the Queen seemed to think one of the Amber born had to stay to take his place. That's when a hooded man with a bow stepped out of the woods claiming to be coming to the aid of those who were lost. Her Majesty was rather delighted to see him, claiming he had been stolen away. The Lady called him Blood of Amber and Blood of the Sidhe, but I have no idea who he was. I never saw his face, but he seemed to know me. He claimed his name was Jack, but that was a lie, I believe. He didn't seem to trust Jurt at all, and shot at him, but the Maiden put herself into the arrow's path and it hit her. That's when the woods started to fade away and Pan urged us to get the hell out of there."

Petra paused in her tale for a sip of her coffee. "Her Majesty's exact words before she left were: "Go now—for when the hour of darkness comes, we shall hunt you all as wretched beasts that must be slain before they pollute all they touch. Oberon is dead and all bindings loosened. Look to your skies, Amber, for the moon shall bring the Riders once more." She cocked her head at Julian. "Does that mean we have till the true full moon before we have enemies coming through the back door as well as the front?"

Thomas smiled. "No."

Julian looked hard at him. "What do you mean?"

He glanced at Petra to see if she knew.

Petra shook her head in the negative. If she had known, she wouldn't have ask her earlier question.

"One has slipped past the Barrier already," Thomas said. "And the Lady may not wait until the fullness of the moon. She'll be quite angry." He glanced back and forth between Petra and Julian. "And it has occurred to me that I am now all alone in the land of the Seelie. Helena agreed to be my guide and spokesman...woman...yes, I'm well aware she's a woman... but she left me. I can tell my friends what I know. But I'm not about to stand here and blather everything to two strangers who might leave my corpse by the side of the trail after this little soiree. Perhaps we could start by telling the confused elf why there's a new Warden when there's a perfectly good one sitting in front of me."

Petra rolled her eyes rather then looking offended. "The only person of any import still around likely to recognize anyone but Julian as Warder is that idiot ponce with delusions of grandeur. Supposedly Damien saved Mandor from an assassination attempt on the docks yesterday. Which is a crock."

Julian smiled coldly. "That may have been Mandor's point—to test how far those delusions of grandeur reached. Whether he would attempt to step past the first tree into Arden. I suspect Damien knows that as well. For he has made no such attempt. And yet...I am informed he has left the city."

Petra grimaced. "Doing Fortuna knows what out of sight of everyone. He'll ooze back into Amber soon enough, I'm sure, right in the middle of more trouble."

She looks over at Thomas. "Do you know when we can expect the Moonriders?"

"As soon as the Lady can muster a sizeable force, I expect," Thomas said. "She'll be angry, and upset, and hasty. And the hasty stroke oft goes astray. But she'll have little choice, you see. She'll have to show that she's doing something, once word gets out that the Tracerie is broken."

Petra blinks slowly at him. "The what?"

"The Tracerie," Thomas said. "The reflection of the Pattern within the realm of Glimmergloom. That which gives the Blood Royal the power to walk within the infinite shadows of the Unseelie." Thomas smiled, evilly. "We broke it."

"Knowing what the consequences would be?" asked Julian, softly. He glanced over at Petra. "Did you join in this too?"

"I would not have asked if I had known, Zito," Petra replied with a one shouldered shrug. I was with Ness, gallivanting with Pan and fauns and looking for Helena while they were busy breaking things." She paused a beat before asking: "What are the consequences?"

"None here," Thomas said, but he didn't sound convinced.

"The Traceries is broken and you think the Moonriders will stay peacefully where they have been penned?" said Julian. "No...we shall have them upon us again..."

He looked again at Thomas, as though measuring whether the half-Fae believed what he had said.

"Petra...the man in the woods. Tell me more about him. Did you think he was Benedict?"

She considered silently for a moment. "I can't honestly say, Julian," she shrugs. "I have never seen the man in person, and this man had been living wild in the woods for years from the look of him. But he was looking at me rather intently—curious, and then Ness did...something, and he ran. That's when she said it was Benedict. We gave chase, but that's when the Hunt appeared and we had to turn back. We didn't see him again, but I am understandably curious."

"You'll need him," Thomas said, "if the Moonriders come." He tilted his head. "There is another possibility. With the Tracerie gone, and such a public loss of face in the Hunt, the Lady may lose her dominance over the Unseelie. There would be a long period of instability. No one would organize enough to be a serious threat."

Julian snorted. "Not if I know the Lady. But Benedict...Ben...we need him now if ever we did..."

He looked around, as though calculating how soon he could ride off to find his brother.

"How well do you know those woods?" he shot suddenly at Thomas. "Could you bring us to where Petra saw him?"

"Of course," Thomas said. "Arden is merely a reflection of the Dark Forest, after all. How is it that you know the Lady so..."

Then the clues snapped into place, and his jaw dropped. "Your son. The one who left you. Who is his mother?"

Julian's face darkened. "Who told you?" He turned to Petra. "Did you know of this? Did ... were you told about my son?"

Petra curls an eyebrow at her uncle. "Not specifically. I have heard things, of course, and the Lady made certain allusions. I mentioned she was very happy to see the fellow who Pan said was there to protect me. He told me his name was Jack, but I think he was lying. He carried his bow as if it were an extension of himself. Like I have seen your Knights of the Golden Bough—only," she cocks her head to one side. "—more."

Thomas crossed his arms. "I only just figured it out," he said. "It explains much."

Julian turned away. "His name is not Jack," he said. "I brought him with me out of the land of the Lady and all her wiles...against my father's commands. Deirdre...was more obedient. She left you behind."

He turned back, his face as calm and unemotional as ever. "But now you are here—and my son is with the Lady?"

"I am here," Thomas agreed. "Your son could be anywhere. The Barrier is either weak or broken. If he hasn't... hadn't... walked the Tracerie, Glimmergloom is as far as he could have gone by himself."

"But he knew me," Petra points out. "Unless Pan was lying, and I have no reason to doubt the horny old goat." She frowns again. "But I have no idea how he would know me."

She turns to look at Julian. "What is your son's name?"

"His name is lost," said Julian, "among the deep woods...he chose to leave."

He turned away. "His name was Herne." His voice was so low as to be almost lost.

She felt bad for him, she did. Every story has two sides, but his was the one she was hearing. Petra dragged her teeth over her lower lip and gave a slight shake of her head. "I only know that name from stories in old books of mythology collected by Sorcha. Mi dispiace, Julian."

A fleeting expression crossed his face. "You would have liked him, I think. There was an integrity in him ... "

Thomas merely crossed his arms and shook his head, as if to deny meeting the other child from Amber.

"I thought he would lose himself in the infinity of worlds this side of the Tracerie," said Julian. "I had not thought he might fight for his heritage on the other side..." He looked at Tamlin.

"Did you see him there? Did you know my son?"

Thomas shook his head. "Not personally. Myths and legends. We gather a constellation of them, those of the Blood. If you've been there, you know what I mean. Half of them had Herne as dead, but obviously they were wrong. Sounds like we were very much alike, he and I." A quirk of a smile followed. "He'd have to be pretty tough to make it past the Barrier. I thought I was the only one who knew."

"He is resourceful," said Julian. "In him, as well as you, blood of Amber and the Dark Court mingle. But with the Tracerie attack will follow. Jones Falls over again and Benedict... "

He broke off, frowning.

"Where it Amber alone they came to strike, I might leave them to fight the Chaosians. But this...they would spread through Arden like sap through a young plant—and corrupt it to their dominion. And all the woods of Shadow would be haunted. They must be stopped—Father was right, though his methods were harsh."

He looked at them both. "Will you come with me to find Benedict, or will you press on to Amber?"

Thomas waved around them. "I am more comfortable here," he said. "I would stay. But if I am caught on the far side of the Barrier, my life is forfeit."

Petra fidgeted a moment before answering. "I'll go. I just need to make a call first. Niccolo was going to move the Queen out of Amber for their safety and I need to check in on them. Not that Vincenzo will thank me for the headache it gives him."

Julian nodded. "Withdraw and make your call. I am sure that Thomas and I will find many things to speak of." [Julian] watched him closely even as Petra withdrew.

Petra merely nodded, silently rose and left the room to the men.

Finally, when they were alone, [Julian] said, "So how much do you know of your heritage this side of the barrier—and what has happened here?"

"My mother was Deirdre," Thomas said. "My father, the Man of the Oak. I have crossed the Barrier many times, and walked the Pattern of Tir-na Nog'th. In the Dreaming City, I have seen many things of the Seelie. But...not so recent."

Julian nodded. "And what do you know of Chaos—and our wars with them?" There was a tightness in his voice, suppressing an old anger.

"Apparently, you lost." Thomas spread his hands to soften the blow of his words. "There wouldn't be Chaos-people throwing their weight around so much if that wasn't the case. But obviously, you still hold the Dark- er, Arden. And you're strong here. They're afraid to come after you." He looked around in the direction that Petra left them. "Um...who's on your side, then?"

"Yes," said Julian. "We lost." His jaw tightened a little. "And I lost my brother...Gerard. Your mother brother Brand—both dead in Chaos. Others...have vanished. Random. great loss. incalculable loss. Caine works with me—in his own way. Bleys and Flora have joined with our enemies. sister Fiona is a prisoner is Chaos. Of your generation—most have accepted the situation, although some chafe against it more than others. Such as Petra. met Helena? Raised in Chaos. Mandor's daughter. I suspect her sympathies do not lie with lost Amber."

He was silent for a moment, and then smiled grimly. "But we hold Arden. Long we held it against the Courts you know. Now we hold it against Chaos. But if we could find Benedict—we might do so much more."

"You'll be holding it against the Unseelie, too, if the Lady still holds sway," Thomas said. "But... yes. I understand. Help me keep my head and my eyes on the Other Side, and I'll help as best I can."

"I pledge it," said Julian, his eyes steady on Thomas's face. "In the name of your mother and of Amber bright and shining. Will you be my guide?"

"I shall," Thomas says, and bows. "So. There we are. I don't suppose you're able to get around by yourself on the other side of the Barrier at all? You could probably lead a merry chase through the Dark Forest, but I don't know if you could pull the kind of trick that led me to you."

"I am not a complete novice," said Julian, a little dryly. "I can find my way through the woods with some competence but yes...those woods are darker than the woods I know. And I do not go into the darkness without a light. Shall we see if your cousin is ready, or do you have other requirements?"

Ah.... maybe a nap? I've had a rough day.... If not, then soon after we start searching..."

Julian nodded towards one of the inner rooms. "Rest," he said. "There are preparations to be made for our journey. By the time you are awake, all will be prepared."

Once alone, [Petra] blew out a breath and dropped inelegantly into a leather chair. It felt like days since she had slept. Come to think of it, it probably had been. She wanted a drink, her bathtub, a cigarette and her bed. She would count herself lucky if she had any of that before lost her already frayed temper. Somehow, this was all Mandor's fault, but her head was too muddled to work out the chain of events in that much detail. The man just couldn't stay where she put him... Wait, maybe this was all the doctor's fault. Certainly the Duke was significantly guilty as well. She huffed, and muttered darkly, "Damn Chaosites," completely ignoring the hand that her Amberite cousins—or her brother—had in this current debacle.

Finding the pocket she stashed her trump in with the too many folds of the robe she was still wearing, Petra drew them out and dithered a moment before finally choosing Vincenzo's card. She felt bad about the headache she was about to give him, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle with a glass of grappa and a visit to Aura's medicine cabinet. Besides, she was sure Antonia would give her an earful about being in Persa, and she just didn't want to deal with the Cornaron's ire at the moment.

As gently as she could, Petra initiated the call to her Security Chief.

It took a long while to feel the connection, longer than it would to any of the family, even the most cautious of them. And in the connection, Petra found a wave of agonizing pain that seemed to hold her for a split second before washing away. And where it went...she could read in the red-rimmed eyes of Vincenzo looking at her, one hand raised to his left temple, looking tired and drawn.

"I hope," he said, "you have a very good reason for doing this."

Petra winced the moment she saw him and spoke quietly. "You know I never call you unless I absolutely have to, Zito. I also know that if I didn't check in, you would give me a telling off when I got back. Is everything alright in Persa? Are you getting any sleep?"

"When I am not finding increasingly convoluted reasons for why none of the lovely women I or Niccolo now apparently own—and you really should hear Portia on that subject—are actually for sale," responded Vincenzo. "Is he with you? He was not altogether clear on what his intentions were."

"I have no idea where he is," Petra says with a sniff. "You had him last. Tell Portia—and Antonia—to save their ire for Niccolo. This was his fabulous plan. But until they can get their hands on him, you need to speak with the Caliph, Vincenzo. If he recognizes you all as his guests, people will cease trying to buy your women." The corners of her mouth twitched there at the end.

"I don't know ho much longer I will be. The task Merlin set me to is done, but now I have another. Has anything interesting happened since I left, or has it been all bidding wars?"

"Apart from the fact that the Caliph has disappeared and that there is a dynastic struggle going on among the recognised heirs?" returned Vincenzo. "Do you have any recommendations who we should support? Portia was of the opinion that one of us should infiltrate the seraglio and become directly involved in the plotting, I use the term 'us' somewhat loosely, you understand. Some of us are ... ah ... over-qualified and, devoted to your service as we may be, there are some sacrifices that are above and beyond the call of loyalty to the Queen."

She blinked. "What? How the hell did that happen? Nasir has one of the most secure palaces I've ever seen. Based on the technology of the area." She frowns. "Probably those blasted Etruscans. I will try trumping him later and see if I can get anything. Shahpur was his favorite of the sons in line for the Throne. He's the one with the most sense, and whose views are more in line with what Nasir wants for Persa."

Petra takes a moment to consider. "If you send in anyone, send Aura. She's best suited for it, would actually enjoy it, and fit in the easiest, I think."

Vincenzo nodded. "So—no return to Amber yet?" he asked. "Will you be joining us, cara?"

"I have no idea what's going on in Amber right now," replied Petra wearily. "So, no. I also am not going to be able to join you just yet. We're going hunting for mi papa. We think maybe we know where Benedict is, so I have agreed to tag along." Petra looked past him to see where he was. "Please tell me there are cigarettes in the box on the mantle and you will give them to me now."

"You would be well served," said Niccolo, "if I told you to get them yourself."

He stood up and walked around to the mantel to get them.

And then he paused. Even through the card, Petra could hear the sound of confused shouts and running feet.

"Cara!" he said. "Release me—I must see to this!"

Petra's eyes shifted to the direction of the noise in alarm. But there was nothing she could do, short of diving through the contact. "Andare. Essere attento." She let him go, chewing worriedly at the inside of her cheek.

And she was alone in the room once more...

At a distance, she could hear Julian's voice. He appeared to be giving orders.

Torn between sighing and stomping her foot, Petra settled on a growl of frustration. She felt useless out here in the middle of the woods. Especially when her people were obviously having problems. This was decidedly not 'cool'.

She squared away her trumps and slipped them back in her pocket. Then she managed to not storm out of the room, and instead sought out her uncle at a more sedate pace to see what was going on on.

He was organising for an expedition—the size of the saddlebags suggested that it would be of some duration. As she emerged, he nodded to her.

"All well? Make what preparations to ride that you need. Thomas went to get some rest—you have time too, should you need."

"No, all is not well," Petra tells him irritably. "Is my man still out here?"

"Your man?" said Julian. "Tell me what's wrong."

Before she could speak, one of the internal doors opened and Thomas emerged.

Petra frowned at Julian. "Alex. I had Niccolo send him out here via Trump after Mandor disappeared to tell you what all had been going on. If you have no idea about that, there is more wrong then just my people being stuck in Persia where the Caliph is missing."

"Persia? Caliph?" Thomas stops and considers. "You have a missing man here? You wanted to look for him first?"

"He was here," said Julian. "But he was eager to return to Amber. I gave him an escort some hours ago. He seemed not overly fond of trees in such profusion. Do you wish to check on him, Petra, or shall we be on our way?"

She frowned and thought about it a moment before shaking her head. "No. He can handle himself. The Queen's obviously not in port, but we have a safe house in town he would know to go to. We should be about our business. The sooner it's done, the sooner I can get in Persa to check on my people."

"The Queen is a ship, then?" Thomas asked.

"I think," said Julian, "that for Petra, calling the Queen a ship is like calling Arden a forest. It is true, undeniably true—but that is not the only truth nor, perhaps, the most important. Would you agree, Petra?"

Even as he spoke he was leading them to the woodland glade where horses were being prepared. There was no mistaking Julian's own mount.

Petra smiled crookedly. "Si. The Queen," she said for Thomas' benefit. "Is a floating entertainment palace. We cater mostly to well to do men, but there are a few women among the regulars. Some men even bring their wives. There's a small musical theater, dining room, salons, gaming rooms, library, and I'm rather proud of our art collection."

Thomas responds with a broad smile. "Now, why couldn't I have ended up there for my first encounter with the Seelie? Not that I completely minded the way things turned out, you understand. I'm just sorry it never got consummated."

Page last modified on February 04, 2009, at 01:02 AM