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The Return Derron and Niko

(Derron) saw his own men gathered around - Merivel, Niko and Hex among them. They appeared to be breakfasting amicably with the Knight and his Squire.

Derron called out in as conversational a tone as possible, "Niko! When you've finished breaking your fast, join me inside." He then entered the cottage and once more sat down with parchment before him and began to write.

Having already finished, Niko concluded serving the Hedge Knight, bowing to him. "It was a pleasure to serve, Ser," he said. "The steward summons me, so this one shall his leave take. Travel safely," he finished, before turning to follow Derron into the cottage.

He entered the cottage to see Derron concluding some writing, and setting down his pen.

Derron looked up as he began to drop candle wax on the folded parchment. "Catriona tells me Thelbane and a few men are moving through the swamp towards Clearwater. I don't want any tale he tells to be the first word His Lordship hears. I've written a report. Take two men and ride hard for Clearwater. I'm going to have Merivel write a report on his own adventures. But I want you ready to ride very soon. You can tell His Lordship that unless he sends word otherwise, we will wait for his orders upon your return. While we wait, we'll arrange everything for Ranulf to be raised here. Any questions?"

Niko rattled off questions rapid fire. "How soon do you expect Thelbane to make it there? He has a head start, but how much? How many men has he? And what are my rules of engagement if we happen to cross paths?" He intently awaited the Steward's answer.

Derron said, "He has several hours lead on you, but so far is on foot, and in the swamps. Unless he finds a horse and gets out of the swamps, you have a good chance of beating him. He has 2 or 3 men we know of, but he might have more somewhere. If you run across him, I am sure you will defend yourself vigorously. Catch him or kill him, it makes no difference to me." Derron waited to see if the lad had any more questions.

Niko merely nodded. "This one will take Tyek and Eron, and a spare set of horses, to make the best time," he said at last. "Is there aught else?"

Derron shook his head. "Not at the moment. You should be ready to ride as soon as the hedge knight leaves. And I get Merivel to write a report. Make sure to take no more rations than you three will need. Plenty of water to be found along the way."

Niko nodded, then taking that as a dismissal, took his leave from the cottage through the back door so as to avoid the group gathered in the front.

(Derron's thread continues in The Return: Derron and Merivel and Niko's thread continues (after a pause) in The Return: Derron and Niko Once More)

Page last modified on September 03, 2007, at 10:26 PM