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Morning Inside Marshend Merivel Derron Nikko Gabriel and Corryn

Mariam nodded. "Very well," she agreed. "As long as the Boltons do not get wind of his presence first - or mine."

The banners and the positioning of the people around made the presence of Lord Stark apparent - even to those who did not know him.

Derron finally became fed up with waiting for one of Stark's retainers to approach him. He once more set the wagon moving towards Lord Stark. No doubt that would get someone to acknowledge their presence.

"The direct approach, good Derron?" Merivel murmured as the wheels of the wagon were set in motion once more. The tone of his voice was neither teasing nor rebuking, rather the tone of respect for a decision made well in character and mind of the person he was addressing.

"There is nobility and then there is Nobility." Merivel said, mostly to himself, but for the benefit of Derron and Mariam as well. Lord Stark, I think, fits and embodies the latter."

As they approached, they became aware of two men heading towards them, one dressed in the livery of the Laughing Knives, but clearly a man of some nobility (Corryn) and another dressed ion the far humbler garb of a villager, but carrying himself with some authority, as though in his way he was used to respect (Gabriel).

Gabriel could see that Mariam was sitting in the wagon, looking tired and strained. The dark haired man dressed as a maester, complete with the chain nodded to Corryn after a quick appraisal of his less familiar companion.

"I see that your journey to Winterfell passed without incident?" Merivel inquired to Corryn, in a mild tone of voice as he dipped his head in Corryn's direction.

Outwardly, Corryn had lost his tatterdemalion appearance. But the Manderly's hazel eyes remained dark with exhaustion and worries; perhaps more so than when they'd last met. He still managed a friendly smile. "Well, I wouldn't be that kind, but my legion of woes has been reduced to a mere host. I see you are spry and well, Maester."

He glanced up at Mariam and nodded his head, "Madame."

Derron's eye narrowed and for a moment said nothing, but then decided that he might as well press the issue for why they were here. "Pardon, sir, but I am the Steward of Clearwater. I need to speak with Lord Stark on some urgent matters. With whom do I need to speak to arrange such an appointment?"

Corryn averted his gaze from the woman and then smiled politely at Derron. "Apparently that would be me, Steward," he said. "I'm his Second. And with the good maester now returned to us—officially—I'd best inform Lord Stark. If you'll accompany me?" He paused to address Merivel. "You may join us as well, maester. It is best you and I finally speak in private about some unanswered questions."

He turned to Gabriel, "The lady looks like she's had enough sitting in that cart for one day, old friend. Could you make sure she and the young man are provided food and sweetwater?" He patted Gabriel on the shoulder and nodded with genuine appreciation.

"Agreed" Merivel replied in an even tone.

Derron nodded and said, "Thank you, Sir. I appreciate your quick assistance." Derron clambered down off the front of the wagon. As soon as he set one foot to the ground, Lancer rose up and peered over the edge of the wagon, his grey muzzle in stark contrast to the wagon. Derron grinned to himself and knew what was coming next. The old hound climbed up over the front of the wagon's bed onto the bench, then dropped into the footwell. He looked at the ground somewhat dubiously, then looked at Derron. Derron simply nodded encouragement, so the old dog summoned up his nerve, then jumped to the ground beside the Steward. Derron scratched him behind his ears and said, "Good boy." He said to Niko, "Stay with our hostess, if you please. Unless you need to convey anything to His Lordship from Lord Draupaud, of course."

Gabriel simply smiled at Meriel as if they hadn't known each other for years and years. "You must be dying for refreshment. Let me help you both down."

"You're quite right." Merivel replied in an agreeable tone. "At the very least, I'm dying to stretch my legs, too." He took the offer of the hand from Gabriel to get down to his feet. He stretched and arched his back and legs in proof of his words.

Corryn gestured for whoever was joining him to follow. "We've only just arrived, truly," he explained, "So, don't take affront if Lord Stark may be brief and direct in speaking with you. It is just his way at finding the truth expeditiously."

As they walked toward Lord Stark's temorary quarters, Corryn turned his head to Derron, "Have you or your Lord Draupaud heard of mercenaries in the area? And to whom they might owe their allegiance to?"

Mariam steered the carriage to move slowly along the street behind the men.

Derron nodded, "Aye, we've reported the news to him." He looked briefly at Niko and added, "If His Lordship has anything specific for us to do, I have not heard yet. We even had one of the mercenary leaders in custody for a bit. They claim to be seeking a huntress who they think can lead them to a great treasure." He paused as he kept walking, finally saying, "The huntress is real. A fine woman, a deadly shot with a bow, and a good judge of companions."

Derron nodded, "Aye, we've reported the news to him." He looked briefly at Niko and added, "If His Lordship has anything specific for us to do, I have not heard yet. We even had one of the mercenary leaders in custody for a bit. They claim to be seeking a huntress who they think can lead them to a great treasure." He paused as he kept walking, finally saying, "The huntress is real. A fine woman, a deadly shot with a bow, and a good judge of companions."

"I met her briefly," Corryn said, smiling fondly. "And after staring down the length of her arrow, I'm highly confident in her archery skills." The smile faded, "I'd heard she'd died in a fire. Have you heard otherwi…"

His voice cut off abruptly as the more important part of Derron's revelation cut through the wistful recollection of Catronia's red-haired beauty. He came to a halt in the road, his hazel eyes suddenly very aware. "Wait. They're seeking a treasure, you said? Did this man mention the Ghost Fens, perhaps?"

Derron thought a moment before answering. "Not that I recall. Simply a treasure hidden hereabouts. If he said it was supposed to be in the Gist Fens, I don't remember it. But they'd be a fine place to hide something." He paused then asked, "Why? Do you also seek it, or have you heard it's in the Fens?"

Gabriel simply smiled at Merivel as if they hadn't known each other for years and years. "You must be dying for refreshment. Let me help you both down."

"You're quite right." Merivel replied in an agreeable tone. "At the very least, I'm dying to stretch my legs, too." He took the offer of the hand from Gabriel to get down to his feet. He stretched and arched his back and legs in proof of his words.

As soon as they can talk quietly, Gabriel nods. "Maester... you were introduced to Keary earlier, yes? I was told of the encounter outside Mariam's. We should talk."

"I seem to be popular in that regard." Merivel replied wryly. "I suppose my ragged trip across the North to Marshend would help engender that."

"Ragged trip across the North?" Gabriel blinked. "I hadn't heard that tale. Of course, I haven't had much time to get the news from Mariam, either. Do you two know each other? What happened?"

"I met Mariam when I arrived in Marshend." Merivel replied to Gabriel. "As far as what happened..." Merivel sighed for a long moment. "I was in Holdfast, visiting the Maesters there. Finally, I was given word that I had to return to Clearwater, and quickly. An escort was drawn up for me. We set out into the forest..." Merivel got a very guarded look on his face.

"There was a conflict,one I barely escaped with my life intact."

"With aid, I managed to escape plans for my death, and make my way to the edge of the swamp near Marshend. I then wound up at Mariam's house. I was very glad to see the Steward here."

After helping Mariam down, Gabriel turned back to Merivel. "What kind of conflict, Maester? You say this was before you reached the marshes?"

"Yes, this was before I reached the Marshes" Merivel said slowly, and carefully, as if picking each word, no matter how small, carefully. "I was hunted and attacked after leaving Holdfast on my journey back to Clearwater."

"I see..." Gabriel looked disappointed. "I thought there might be more clues as to these sellswords in the marshes. But still... who attacked you?"

"It wasn't sellswords in these marshes, I can assure you." Merivel replied to Gabriel. "Rather, it was much closer to Holdfast, and I made my way from there, to the Marsh, and then to Marshend."

"As far as who..." Merivel paused. "I need to guard my tongue about that...for a little while longer anyway. Dangerous knowledge, that."

"As you wish," Gabriel said smoothly, and directs them towards the inn. "It's not my own place, but I might have some pull around here. Maybe I can even find a little brandy to stave off the chill and discomfort of your trip."

"Now that." Merivel replied with a smile "would be most kind and welcome."

As they approached the inn, they saw both Davin and Anniketta sitting on the steps, an excellent place to observe what was happening all around. They seemed (perhaps by way of excuse) to be shelling peas.

Merivel nodded his head to Davin and Anniketta as they approached the pair. A slight smile of bemusement briefly played upon his countenance as he regarded the two and then decided to speak.

"Anything interesting?" he asked them ambiguously.

"Must be," Gabriel added. "That, or we're having split-pea soup tonight." He smiled at the Giants.

Anniketta smiled back at him. "Well, that's true," she said. "But we have many mouths to feed ... and have refreshments too for those that wish them."

Davin abandoned the peas and swept a low bow. "Welcome to our present home," he said. "Refreshments you shall certainly have - and then, perhaps, music?"

"The Giants of Pentos are well-renowned for their entertainment," Gabriel said. "I wouldn't be suprised to learn they've got a whole show planned for all the arrivals."

"And known for their aid to fellow travelers." Merivel added with a nod to Davin and Anniketta. He tugged at the shirt he wore for emphasis.

Anniketta smiled. "What are you planning for us to do, Gabriel?" she asked. "If you need our aid, that is."

Merivel grinned, and cocked his head in Gabriel's direction.

Page last modified on January 04, 2009, at 02:07 PM