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Kenrith After Breakfast

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Kenrith nodded as others left the table, and rose as well. He carried his cup with him as he moved down to where Mal and Jayne sat. Mal had something to tell him, he could tell, and he had questions as well... he hoped that they matched.

Mal moved slightly up the bench to make room for him.

"'Morning, Ser," he said gravely.

Jayne grunted what might have been a greeting through a mouthful of beef.

Mal said nothing more - he seemed content to wait for Kenrith.

"Had you heard that the Clearwater Maester's guard is quite light?" Kenrith asked casually enough, but with a serious look in his eyes.

Mal shook his head.

"That's not been discussed," he said. "The Holdfast men are more intent on what happened yesterday and last night - and what will happen this morning. A visiting Maester holds less interest for them, I fear."

Kenrith nodded. "Has my name come up much? I'm not sure what they've made of me in the short time I've been back... and have you heard what the schedule is for Evan's trial?"

Mal looked at him thoughtfully, as though weighing the way he wished to answer that ... when suddenly, at some distance (the gates perhaps?), a martial trumpet blared out.

Kenrith cocked his head to one side as the horns started to blow, and he reached over his shoulder to check on the position of a blade which did not rest there.

"Stark," said Mal. "And another House ... one of the banner lords?" He looked at Kenrith.

Kenrith's face now bore a look of recognition, but he shook his head at the man's question.

"Manderly," said Jayne tearing off a chunk of beef with his teeth from the huge bone he held. "They come on a raid?"

Kenrith nodded, then shook his head, then looked as if he were reconsidering. "Volf is squire to a Manderly, though I don't know why the Starks would have come calling. I, we, spoke with them not altogether long ago..."

Kenrith then rose and moved towards the courtyard.

"You should finish breaking your fast... no telling whether something will interrupt your noon meal, as things are," he said with a shrug before continuing on to the courtyard.

Mal nodded and sat back down. Jayne (who hadn't stirred) just grinned in agreement. It was as though both felt, with Kenrith safe in Holdfast, their mission was at an end, and they could soon return to Riverrun.

In the courtyard, he saw Ser Corryn Manderly, armed, with a beautiful young woman on his arm, and four armed men in the livery of the notorious Laughing Knives - a Manderly company - beside him. More armed men - enough for a small war party - were outside the gate.

Page last modified on May 16, 2006, at 07:59 PM