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House Tully is the principal house in the riverlands; many lesser houses are sworn to them. Their seat is at Riverrun. Their sigil is a silver trout leaping on a blue and red striped field, and their words are "Family, Duty, Honor." House Tully rose to prominence during the Targaryen conquest. When Aegon the Conqueror attacked, Edmyn Tully was the first to rebel against King Harren of the Isles and support the invading Targaryen army. Afterwards, Aegon made House Tully overlords of the Trident.

Genealogy of recent Tullys

                    |                                   |
          Brynden "The Blackfish"               Hoster==+==Minisa Whent
                    |                                   |                   |
Eddard Stark==+==Catelyn                          Lysa==+==Jon Arryn      Edmure
              |                                         |          
       +------+------+--------+--------+                |
      Robb   Sansa   Arya   Brandon   Rickon         Robert 

Categories: WinterChills

Page last modified on March 07, 2006, at 05:54 PM