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Mario Zimbardo

Index | Time Under Chaos | Non-Player Characters | Non-Canonical NPCs | Mario Zimbardo

"The normal looking one with the penetrating eyes."

A man of average height, 5'8" (1.72 m), pale gray eyes, and auburn hair. Alone in a crowd, he can be almost invisible, totally nondescript. While he does wear a rapier at his hip, it is less than obvious under his circular cloak. He has worked with Hans for some time, and the two work well together. He is the first through the door, the one who spots trouble before it happens. Hans is the obvious threat which prevents trouble from happening, or who holds the attention of a mark long enough for Mario to slip behind and put a knife in his back.

Works closely with Hans Milgram

Page last modified on April 18, 2007, at 08:28 PM