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Breakfast In Amber Castle

Index | Time Under Chaos | Game Logs | Breakfast In Amber Castle

The breakfast set out in the Small Dining Room of Amber Castle (small in that it could only seat thirty as opposed to three hundred) was rather more salubrious than that served in The Greasy Spoon. Bowls of fruit, yoghurt and cereals were set out on sideboards on one wall, silver salvers covered arrays of cold meats, fish and strange vegetable dishes on another, while chafing dishes kept hot food (including all the dishes served by Jack Taroe - and others such as kippers and kedgeree) stood on a third, with even a small pan and all the ingredients for creating your own omelettes.

All in all, it was a shame that such a beautifully prepared meal was enjoyed by so very few partakers. Mandor and Flora sometimes met for an exchange of arms over the table - but Merlin and Bleys never appeared.

On this particular morning, only Clytemnestra and Larissa were present.

Clytemnestra shook her head sadly at the huge spread, selecting a few choice morsels for herself. "I'm glad we had this chance to talk," she said. "I don't want to mess up any plans you've made concerning Kashfa, and I know you've probably thought of what to do already... haven't you?"

Larissa paused in what appeared to be an attempt to create a fruit and yogurt puree using only a spoon. "I'm going to sweep in with a smile and gracious turn of phrase, and explain to them how delighted we are that Kashfa is waxing prosperous, and how it could cause others in the Golden Circle to envy their good fortune, and we wouldn't want any friction, now would we?

"After we've been insincere to each other for a few days or weeks, Rinaldo will come around to asking for more than what he wants, while hinting obliquely at what he actually wants, while I, for my part, will discuss much less than what we are willing to give, while hinting at what we are actually willing to give.

"All while Bleys and Morgan are busy bloodying each others' metaphorical noses just over the border--which will, in theory, cause Rinaldo to revise his ambition downwards.

"So you see, it's all really quite simple. You'll take to it in no time." Larissa smiled and went back to mashing strawberries into her yogurt.

"So, then," Cly said, and turned her attention back to picking at her food. "A game of deception."

Yet they had barely started their meal when a footman came in, clutching a note written on the mauve paper favoured by Flora for such missives, and wearing an agiotated expression.

"Her Highness desired me to give this to you immediately," he said, an the inflection in his voice suggested the word was Flora's own.

The note said, "Word has reached me that his Majesty and Lord Morgan have seen fit to play a practical joke on Chadwick of the most disgraceful kind. My dearest Clytemnestra, I am wholly depending upon you to rescue my unfortunate boy from the consequences of this - with your utmost discretion! Apparently, last night, Chawick was persuaded - by what appalling wiles I shudder to think - to board the Ramblin' Queen. As this vessel will be docking shortly, I am requesting that you travel to the docks and remove him *discreetly* from such unwholesome influences!"

"Oh," Cly said. "Oh. Oh, dear."

"Hmm?" Larissa sounded incurious--as well she might, having a reasonable idea as to the contents of Flora's missive.

Clytemnestra didn't look exactly... scandalized, but certainly looked apprehensive. "Ah. Yes. Well. It seems that boys are being boys. I expected better, but perhaps I gave them too much credit." She looked at her food, then the note, then Larissa, then back... "but I think Aunt Flora is wanting to shut the barn door after the horse has fled. I... need to ride down to the docks." She hesitated. "Are you free this morning, Larissa? If I end up facing who I think I will end up facing, alone, very little will get accomplished. I'll need a hand. Or more specifically, your diplomacy."

The footman gave a little cough.

"As Lady Flora directed, her high perch phaeton is at the door, ready for you both."

Cly nodded, stood, and glanced over to Larissa.

The other shrugged and stood. "All right, we'll go to the docks." She continued eating her yogurt, waiting for her cousin to lead.

The carriage waiting oustide was a magnificent creation, built to cut a dash - and also to travel at high speeds (for Amber). The springs were good - but the body was an alarming six feet off the ground and very exposed, presenting a very dashing appearance. There was no room for a groom - either Clytemnestra or Larissa would have to drive the two spirited black horses the valiant grooms were attampting to steady as they stood in the traces.

Clytemnestra didn't waste time, but jumped aboard and took the end of the reins. Somehow, she still made it look smooth and graceful.

"You'll pilot me out in the higher tech places, I trust?" she asked Larissa.

"Deal," Larissa said with a chuckle, and climbed up.

Cly waited until they were underway before saying, "How to say this delicately? Morgan and Merlin took Chadwick to the Ramblin' Queen."

"I know," Larissa replied. "They stole him out from under me at dinner last night."

Cly's mouth worked without sound, then, "I wish I had known," she said, unnecessarily. "My personal feelings might be odds with Aunt Flora's on this, but there's no denying the reprocussions. She's not going to let this go."

"I know that, too," Larissa sighed. "I even went along with them to the Queen, to--I don't know. Babysit Chadwick? No use, of course. I could probably have maneuvered him away...but, Cly, he's an adult, he wasn't in any danger, and it would take more than a night for even the most skilled whore to defeat his innocence. I'm not going to manipulate and coddle the boy by turns to placate Flora."

They were now turning into one of the long boulevards that led from the upper reaches of the city down to the docks - and could go a little faster here.

Knowing that the horses were probably restless, Cly let them speed up a bit. "It was going to happen eventually," she said. "I understand. I'm not going to blame you. Please don't think that. It's that Merlin will use this. He'll use this against Aunt Flora... forever."

"It's not your blame I'm worried about," Larissa said, sotto voce. "But...I can't help but feeling some of the fault is mine, and I'm not even certain why I'm convinced there's 'fault' at stake here. Damn Chadwick and that mother of his! Naivete is just not something this family prepares one to handle." She threw herself back into the seat, shaking the carriage a little.

"I wouldn't worry overmuch about Merlin's aims. It's all a game to him," Larissa added.

She was silent for a moment. "I don't know her plans for Chadwick... I've not understood her thinking. But considering who I am and where I come from, I was not one to be taken seriously. Not where her son was concerned."

"If she didn't want people shoving him around the board, she shouldn't have raised him a pawn," Larissa said acidly.

Page last modified on April 07, 2007, at 07:10 PM