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The room and its grim contents were waiting patiently for [Rusalka]. Much of the sadistic architecture remained inanimate – locked in an endless cycle of decay and putrescence. The only movement came from a collection off chains and hooks that rattled and swayed listlessly. As she stepped in the room, the floor quivered beneath her feet like gelatin.

The chains immediately stopped moving.

Behind her, Rusalka heard the creak of a door opening and then footsteps.

Rusalka's attention, however, likely remained on the iron maiden across the room from her. It slowly swung open, its interior a bizarre mixture of steel spikes and intestinal flesh. A sphincter-like gash opened at its center, uttering a low, hungry noise.

"Rusalka!" She heard Cole's voice call from behind, an oof as someone was pushed aside, and running footsteps.

Rusalka took a step backward, keeping her eye on the horrible machine-thing. It was terrifying, but at least it was patently not human. And she was no longer alone.

One, two, and on the silent count of three she raced toward the sound of Cole's voice.

"Thank the Unicorn," she breathed as she saw the two young men. "I thought I'd gotten lost."

Cole and Cynwyd – still jockeying for position – could see through into the other room. An iron maiden – horribly alive – began to pull itself forward on metallic feet. Ropy tendrils spilled forth from its sphincter-like maw – the intestinally wet protrusions slithering toward them. Or more specifically – Rusalka.

"This looks pretty lost to me," Cole told her. "Head down, please."

Taking advantage of his greater height, Cole hurled Joao's wicked knife over Rusalka's brilliant hair.

Then Cole turned to Cynwyd, showing his empty hands. "That's all I got. Your turn."

Cole’s unerring accuracy inflicted grievous injury to the Iron Maiden – the blade sinking up to the hilt in the creature’s fleshy maw. It gargled and spat, a rank splatter of blood splashing across the floor.

"But you're closer... and doing so well," Cynwyd replied. "And this is yours," he continued, flipping the sword hilt-first to Cole. "Do that rear-guard thing, while I get the fair maiden to safety, eh?"

Over Cole's head, he mouthed, ~You owe me, anyway!~ even as he steered Rusalka back away from the threat, towards the laboratory.

Grinning, Cole flipped the blade to his left hand, tipped an imaginary hat to Cynwyd with his right, and flipped the sword back to his right again.

The Iron Maiden slurped up its tendrils noisily and then closed its lid. But resumed its slow advance on the trio, wicked claws pulling it forward inch by inch.

"Rear guard, rear guard," Cole muttered to himself. "Depressingly passive." Not taking his eyes off the creature, he called over his shoulder, "Hey, Bro! You two let me know when you're clear, so I can cut loose." He backed just past the doorway into the hall, watching the Iron Maiden for vulnerabilities, scanning the corridor to either side for new threats.

The corridor remained empty, but as he turned his head, one of the myriad of chains lashed out like a snake. His enhanced reflexes prevented its razored barbs from slitting his throat from ear to ear; ripping a strip of meat from his cheek, instead.

More of the chains began stirring to life as the Iron Maiden began to radiate a vile, jaundiced light. The ‘creature’ itself appeared quite impervious to attack – its metallic exterior quite resilient. Its slothful pace, however, would make for an easy retreat while its main tendrils were hidden away.

"Of course, of course," Cynwyd tossed over his shoulder, even as he guided Rusalka out of the room. "The lab is this way, damsel-in-distress," Cynwyd said to her. "Of course, I'm not sure that the wards are still in place, but one problem at a time."

Rusalka couldn't help but enjoy the attention - and the banter - despite the gravity of the situation. Although she wasn't at all helpless, it occurred to her that once in a while you had to let men do the manly things, or they might start to feel unappreciated.

"They were in place enough that I couldn't find my way back on my own," Rusalka said, glancing back. "You're sure we shouldn't all stay together?"

"Oh we will—but I think we need to move fast, and with one weapon between us, him taking the rear on a fighting retreat gives us the best chance of getting out of here," Cynwyd replied. Though they bantered in good spirit, Cynwyd was very aware of the danger of the situation.

Cole swatted away the Iron Maiden's chains like so many flies. He was torn. He itched to do battle with the thing, to see what he could do against it with Finndo's abilities added to his own. He was curious if he could break through the iron shell. Once his friends were clear, he intended to find out.

His blade deflected attack after attack with an exhilarating ease. In some cases, he parried an attack even before consciously realizing it was coming.

Low, animal giggles erupted from the direction of the main stairwell – not unlike the hyenas of Shadow Earth. Soon enough, Cynwyd could see glowing, curious eyes staring back from the shadows. They bobbed and weaved hypnotically, but their owners remained shapeless and unwilling to advance...

For now.

"I think that's our cue," Cynwyd said, pointing down the hall. "Cole, we're leaving!" he called over his shoulder accentuating it with an increased pace as he ushered Rusalka through the lab door. "Come on, Cole! The natives are restless..."

At the mention of "natives", Cole spared a glance down the hall. The giggling eyes forced him to re-evaluate his battle with the Iron Maiden: this wasn't the time. He thumbed his nose at the creeping monstrosity, then followed after his friends.

Seabhac was waiting at the door, holding it open for the intrepid trio. He waved them into the lab. “Time to go, Cole,” he called. “I’m not sure those things are friendly.”

The glowing eyes bobbed closer, sticking to the shadows as they grew bolder. Their giggling intensified, but as Seabhac had stated, it lacked any affability. And just as they reached the edge of the light, the pack rushed forward – a seething mass of flesh, exposed bone, and teeth.

Page last modified on March 16, 2010, at 11:39 AM