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Day Two (After Midnight)

Joao’s head had begun to throb uncontrollably, putting an end to his apparently fruitless wait for Raina’s return. He found Nurse Marianne in foul temper by the time he arrived at the infirmary. The brown-haired woman had a sheer robe wrapped around her - sleep clouding her eyes. She wrinkled her nose at him, “I don’t see you bleeding, so this had better be serious.”

A quick examination later, Marianne’s tempestuous nature had dissipated into calm professionalism. Despite the initial hostility, she proved to be a consummate caretaker and did not inquire as to the source of the injury. In the end, she busied herself with mixing a spicy-smelling potion and thrusting it into Joao’s hands.

“Drink this,” she’d proclaimed. “You’ll stay here the night for observation and I’ll inform your instructors that you will have a light day tomorrow.”

He didn’t recall much after sipping the concoction, his head hitting the pillow a moment later.

Joao’s dreams were like the ocean depths – all-encompassing and filled with swirling shadows. As he sank into the gloom, he could see incandescent fish swimming at the very edge of his vision, as if they were stars in an endless night. The cold water crushed him like his mother’s smothering arms, pulling him deeper and deeper. The cold pried into his skull an invasive force he could not resist.

Down and down Joao sank, the cold and pressure irresistible and inevitable.

Another source of light came into view below – a mirror of shimmering luminosity. Around it, he could see the smooth hills of silt of ocean’s bottom. Encrusted pillars of basalt loomed in the distance, populated with shapes unnatural and fluid. The light kept them at bay and drew Joao to it.

Instead of sinking, Joao kicked his legs, drawn to the light. It was something to see in the gloom, something to make for. The shapes around the pillars concerned him, but the light's warding of them relieved them. He exhaled a stream of bubbles and continued.

He landed softly on the sand bottom, stirring up clouds of silt. He now realized the glowing mirror was actually a silvery window into a simple, underground room. A pattern of prismatic light burned in the room’s center - perhaps the most beautiful thing he'd ever witnessed.

Joao stared. His pupils wide from the gloomy dark, the prismatic light was dazzling at first, until they adjusted to the additional light.

But more importantly, it outlined a familiar figure, standing on the other side - gripping what appeared to be a card.


She was gazing around wondrously at Joao's surroundings as she looked back at him through the glittering portal. Abruptly, she turned to shush someone that may have been behind her, though Joao could see no one there.

She turned back to regard Joao, this time looking at him fully. "Joao! Are you there? Can you hear me?" she asked hopefully.

"Raina!" he called, urgently, waving a hand as he spoke. Where in the name of Lir *was* she? For that matter, where was he? He didn't recognize the pillars, this area of the ocean bottom, or this strange mirror.

"Where are you?" he added.

"In the Pattern Room. In Amber. I think," she said cautiously. This Trump travel made her unsure whether her location was real or something she was looking at in a dream of her own. "Sand is with me. We... joined." She said that last with a slight grimace, like she would if she was unsure she was giving the correct answer to Professor Advocat.

Joao nodded. "Congratulations are in order then, Lady Raina. "A part of him realized she was looking for vindication, and reassurance. Consciously and deliberately, he smiled and spread his hands. "I never got the opportunity to join with Delwin last night. I got knocked about when we were seeing to Cole's joining."

Raina's green eyes widen with concern as Joao continues.

"You know, Raina, I am not sure how I got here. Last I remember, I was in the infirmary. I don't know why I am suddenly down here. It looks like the Anoka Sand Plain, east and south of Rebma, but I don't think that's right."

"Sand says you're dreaming," she informs him. "Infirmary?! What happened?"

"Infirmary." Joao explained. "Finndo proved violent and reluctant to assimilate with Cole peacefully. I tried to help distract Finndo, and took a head wound in the process. Fortunately, Gospodin Temnal gave me immediate aid."

"If I am dreaming, how am I talking to you, Raina?' Joao extended his hand in the mirror's direction but did not touch it. He knew of the myriad powers that mirrorwrights and mirror sorceresses had in Rebma, even if he did not share in those gifts. He had said as much to the group when the scrying mirror had been found. He looked at his other hand. The lovely tridentis he had gained was not here, in this dream. Maybe...

Joao thought, willing and hoping to regain his weapon, in the dream. Something told him he might need it.

"I'm not sure exactly, but I'm not going to question it too much in case it wakes you up," Raina replied, smiling warmly. She was obviously happy and perhaps a bit relieved to be speaking with him. "I worried about you all. My joining was somewhat difficult and I wanted to be there to warn you to be strong and not show any weakness. I didn't mean to leave the tower, but I sort of... fell through a trump and ended up back with the Night Wolves.

"Oh! And yes, how exactly," she exclaimed, realizing what he perhaps meant with his question. "I drew a trump of you. That's how I can speak with you." "Trumps! I've heard of them, saw one once." Joao replied eagerly and enthusiastically.. Not a little of that enthusiasm was at seeing Raina safe and sound, even with the joining. "From your former roommate, Princess Caer." He paused a beat. "You can draw and use them now, Raina?" Joao asked. "Is this something that Princess Sand could do and now that you are joined with her, can do yourself?"

"Oh, and apparently Delwin is a creator and collector of artifacts. I will have to show you the tridentis I made, when I wake up."

Page last modified on April 18, 2010, at 10:26 AM