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The Ten Questions

Q1) Where does your character get their laundry done? Describe it and the people they might encounter there.

A1) "What a dear... laundry? I open my closet and the clothes are there as they should be."

Q2) Does your character sleep well? If the character has dreams, what kind of dreams are they?

A2) "Sleep gets in the way of so much, so I get away with as little as possible. Of course, appearances must be maintained, so 5-6 hours a night is unfortunately necessary. I remember snatches of dreams, but they disappear as ephemeral fog upon awakening- I suppose a result of my short sleep cycle. But sacrifices are sometimes necessary."

Q3) Your character gets into a discussion about death and dying. How would your character describe the perfect death?

A3) "Most people die a little each day- in the decisions they make, in the lies that they tell, the little things that make their lives mediocre. They fade out, and are forgotten, until death truly takes them. Me, I'd rather burn it all out on one roll of the die- leave the legacy of a beautiful song to go along with a beautiful corpse."

My task is done/My song has ceased/My theme has died into an echo/It is fit

Q4) Describe your character's personal bedroom or suite. Where is it located? Describe the contents of the room. What is the style of furniture? What items are of importance and why?

A4) "For the musical process, it's important to remake yourself every so often- to get a fresh perspective and a new outlook. It really depends on the sound I'm trying to produce as to the inspirations that you find me living in from day to day." To put to the lie his words, though, the room is all style, no substance, as if he knows it's all of fleeting substance in any case. The only things he truly calls his are a rather plain rapier and sheath which sit beside his more elegant one he wears day to day, and his primary guitar- also rather plain, though of unquestioned pedigree and cared for to a larger extent than his more ostentatious ones.

Q5) How would your character describe their perfect mate/spouse?

A5) "Mate? You must think me some animal that you can foist on someone. A solitary existence must a musician lead, though his path may cross with admirers and collaborators from time to time. Two beautiful women on my arms are as far into the land of matrimony this cat will ever venture."

Q6) Describe your character's life ambition. Is this their personal goal or is it one forced upon them by their peers/parents?

A6) "A life's ambition is a lot to sum up in a few words. That very question implies that life is something at which you can win, or something that you can achieve, and then it's over. However..." he paused, placing his hand gingerly to his mouth as he considered, finally looking off in the distance as he composed his thoughts into words, "to create beauty of lasting significance- that perfect note, that incomparable melody, would be a good start." He nodded, satisfied at the statement.

Q7) Which Elder Amberite does your character respect and look up to? Which Elder Amberite does your character despise? Why?

A7) "Bleys," he said without pause, taking a drag from his cigarette. "He alone seems to understand what the true meaning of life is, yet, he ignores this truth in his ambition."

Q8) Your character finally has a break from classes. Describe their perfect day off. Where would they go? Would they want others around or be alone?

A8) "In the studio, jamming with people of like minds is an experience unlike any other. There are things which approach that singular joy, but not many."

Q9) University offers numerous opportunities to interact with different races and species. How well does your character fit into new societies? Do they have any prejudices? If so, why?

A9) "New races and different species bring more opportunity for new experiences and new points of view. Hidebound, insular mentalities lead to a stagnant mind."

Q0) What would provoke your character into committing a greater evil, such as murder?

A0) "What indeed? That would be a sorry thing to find out- especially for the one on the other end of such emotion."

Page last modified on August 22, 2008, at 07:00 PM