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First Circle: Initiate

Egeria’s Gaze (Know Body)
R: Touch/Close, D: Conc, T: Ind/Group, A: Non
Determines the general health of a single person. Specific afflictions appear as areas of varying coloration on the person’s body, depending on the humors involved.

Eyes of Pythia (Unveil Body)
R: AC, D: Conc, T: Ind, A: Inv
Determines the location of a specific person. To cast the spell, the magus requires a map and an arcane connection. After casting the spell, they can move their finger over the map at the rate of one hour per square foot of map. When their finger passes over the person’s location as represented on the map, they sense the person’s presence. (If the person is not in the area covered by the map, no sensations result.) They can locate the person to within a thumb’s width on the map. Thus, a map with a larger scale gives more-precise information. Each casting of the spell allows for the searching of one map. A similar spell allows the caster to search for a dead body (Tracing the Trail of Death’s Stench).

Shield of Asclepios (Cantrip Body)
R: Touch, D: Inst, T: Pers, A: Inv (vs enemy caster)
Cancels or reverses the effects (other than death) of a malign Body spell, if you can match or exceed the level of the spell with the level of your Magic skill.

Second Circle: Apprentice

Binding of Arachne (Rule Body)
R: Touch/Close, D: Instant, T: Ind, A: Non
Typically, the magus places their hands on the target and passes them over the wound, which magically seals itself and stops bleeding. If a spider’s web is available, it is laid over the wound and disappears as the wound seals itself.

Chains of Loki (Rule Body)
R: Close, D: Conc, T: Ind, A: Inv
For the duration of the magus’ concentration, the target’s joints lock in place, as if they were bound in chains. As such, they cannot move or attack, but can still verbalize (thus, magus could technically still spell-cast).

Skin of the Rhino (Ward Body)
R: Touch, D: Sun/Moon, T: Ind, A: Non
The caster’s flesh becomes resistant to physical damage, as if they were wearing leather or fur armor. However, their flesh becomes tough and insensitive, increasing difficulties with any activities requiring a sensitive touch (such as for picking a lock).

Coyote's Many Masks (Veil Body)
R: Touch, D: Sun/Moon, T: Pers/Ind, A: Non
The target’s facial features are transformed to any approximately human configuration of the caster’s choosing. In Professor Cralian’s version of this spell, the new visage is always as unassuming as possible.

Third Circle: Disciple

Blade of Hecate (Fray Body)
R: Close/Sight, D: Inst, T: Ind, A: Inv
When casting this spell, the magus points at the victim, possibly with a branch of holly, and a large wound opens on his or her body. The wound is not a deep one, but it bleeds profusely. Binding the wound will eventually stop the bleeding. Ahowever, strenuous activities will worsen the wound and if not treated, the victim will weaken and eventually fall unconscious from blood loss. Without chirurgy, an unconscious victim will bleed out and die.

Healing Touch (Weave Body)
R: Touch/Close, D: Inst, T: Ind/Group, A: Non
The target touched is healed of minor injuries, as well as can recover from serious injuries at an accelerated rate. Chirurgy utilized on anyone targeted by this spell will have a lowered difficulty for tending the wounds. Also, wound penalties are reduced. However, this spell does not heal damage from poison or disease.

Tyr's Reprieve (Perfect Body)
R: Touch/Close, D: Inst, T: Ind, A: Non
A limb that has been detached from the body can be reattached, but any decay that has occurred on the severed limb remains after the limb is reattached. After a day of decomposition, a limb is weak. After seven days, it is nearly useless and infects the character on whom it is replaced. If it’s been severed for more than two weeks, the limb is completely useless.

Airmid's Boon (Perfect Body)
R: Touch/Close, D: Inst, T: Ind, A: Non
Removes the crippling or malignant effects of any poison, of any disease, or of premature aging. The effects of natural aging cannot be undone by this or any spell.

Fourth Circle: Adept

Actaeon’s Demise (Transform Body)
R: Close/Sight, D: Moon/Perm, T: Ind, A: Inv
Transforms the target into helpless deer. Touching the target with mandrake can help bypass the victim’s resistance.

Prometheus' Doom (Unweave Body)
R: Close/Sight, D: Inst, T: Inv, A: Inv
When casting this spell, the magus makes a clenching or tearing motion with their hand, crushing the spell focus if using one. The victim doubles over at once in excruciating pain, and if the victim fails to make an Athletics check, he or she dies with a ruptured and torn liver. If the target’s roll succeeds, the target may still be probably crippled for life, and may die an early death.

Parthenogenesis (Compel Body)
R: AC, D: Perm, T: Ind, A: Non
The caster can magically make a woman pregnant without sexual congress. The caster simply requires some of the blood of the mother-to-be and themselves when the spell is cast. If the caster is female, the child is always a girl; if the caster is a male, the child has a 50/50 chance of being either gender. A female caster may also cast the spell upon herself, giving birth to an effective clone of herself.

Fifth Circle: Master

Forge of Hephaestus (Conjure Body)
R: Touch, D: Perm, T: Ind, A: Inv/Non
With this spell, the caster may imbue a target with a new shape, providing them with increased abilities and powers. Firstly, the caster must construct a statue of the form they wish the target to assume, utilizing the nine blessed substances of alchemy and various gems set in an arcane fashion. During a day-length ritual, the target remains naked and prone, with identical gems placed upon their body in the same places as the statue. Once the spell is completed, the jewels are consumed and the target transforms into the shape of the statue, gaining associated abilities (such as scales, teeth, and fire-breath for a dragon). In turn, the statue assumes the shape of the target’s former body. The target must follow the caster’s commands, as if it were a summoned spirit. Furthermore, the statue serves as an arcane connection, allowing for spells to be utilized through it. Note: Some less moral magus have used this spell to transform unwilling victims into pets.

Call the Minions of the Eyeless Face (Summon Body)
R: Close, D: Year/Perm, T: Ind, 'A: Inv'
The caster requires a pool of black, scented oil and conducts a ritual lasting six hours. Upon completion of the ritual, the caster reaches into the pool of oil and draws forth mewing, servile creatures long-banished from Creation. The caster may summon up to their Cool in number. The creatures absorb the oil to create their humanoid bodies, taking on a black, iridescent appearance. Sexless and faceless, they stand roughly seven to four feet in height and lose the ability to speak or make noise once they are summoned. They communicate with dance or sign language. They will serve the caster faithfully in whatever role required for a year and a day or until they are killed, when they dissolve into a stinking mass of powder.

Doom of Charybdis (Dismiss Body)
R: Close/Sight, D: Inst, T: Ind/Group, A: Inv
The target devolves into pure Chaos, little more than a mass of twisted limbs, tentacles, and gaping maws. Liquid and protean, the target continues to change and mutate endlessly. Typically, the target’s mind is destroyed through its agonizing existence, causing it to madly attack anything near it. Group spells cause several targets to devolve into one beast, thus providing it increased bulk and attacks.
Page last modified on February 05, 2010, at 09:13 PM