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Advantages are background abilities, experiences, and other non-tangibles that separate the character from others like him. Advantages only apply to the Actor- in general, the Role has to acquire such things during play, as the character risks his life in new and interesting ways.

Social Status: Social status is paramount in the world that consumes the entertainment that comes out of Overworld. Social mobility is almost unheard of as Social Police (or Soapies) police all contact between the strictly delineated social levels. The lowest rung belongs to the most populous of the community, the Labor caste. Labor forms the backbone of the society, performing any task that requires no mental capacity, but is too organic to be relegated to mechanical labor. Above the dregs of the Labor caste are the Professional caste- those that perform tasks that require education and more mental acuity, or physical capability and talent. Actors are temporarily given this social caste when performing the responsibilities of office, no matter how much higher, or lower their normal caste is. Managing the professional caste are the Administrators, the middle managers of society. Their tasks usually require nothing other than an ability to manage- they have to have little or no knowledge of the functions of the people that they are in charge of. Above the Administrator Caste is the Business caste. To continue the analogy of a company, the Businessmen (and women) of the world are the executives of firms- they are the movers and shakers that manage business deals the galaxy through. Capping off the caste system is the Leisure caste. Those of old money and older connections are the owners of everything- they pride themselves on how little work they actually have to do. This advantage applies specifically to the Actor, as Overworld cares not for social status, and indeed, while on Overworld, as stated, all actors are considered to be of the Professional caste. However, outside of the realm of the studios, this can be an important advantage indeed.

Resources: Resources are a general indication of financial assets, but this advantage covers more than monetary wealth. Money can be gained and lost; this advantage includes such things as property, clothing and basic equipment, as well as how easily the character can obtain more. While resources are not entirely liquid assets, possessions can be sold to gain money, though this make take time, and the level of resources can be temporarily raised by such sales, or lowered by extravagant purchases.

Sponsor: This advantage reflects the interest of an outside party in the character's well being. This can be in the form of a sponsorship deal with a company (Krispy Krackers developed my body to the point that even Overworld wasn't a challenge for me!), or perhaps the person that was responsible for the Actor's scholarship to the conservatory. The ranking in this advantage represents two things- the interest the sponsor has in the character, and the relative power of the sponsor. In general, a large company is not going to invest a lot if interest in one Actor, just as a person that would invest a lot of interest won't necessarily be the biggest fish in the pond. The rating reflects this eventuality.

Influence: If nothing else, Actors are certainly persons of importance; people galaxy wide watch, look up to, and emulate them. The influence background reflects the Actor's pull and status in society. Influence may be used to garner special favors from others, to promote a personal agenda in public, or to simply get a good seat at the theater. In addition, influence can be called on to network and to make important connections- or even to draw important people under your sway.

Allies: Almost everyone has at least one close friend. Allies are people with whom the actor has intimate ties: friends, loved ones, or simply someone with similar interests to whom he can turn to for assistance and support. Always remember, though, that allies are people in their own right, with lives as involved as the actor's. Friendship is a two-way street, and if the character takes and doesn't give, allies are likely to desert the actor.

Followers: The actor has one or more assistants, steadfast companions in his journeys. They may be washouts from the conservatory when the character was there, lower-caste hanger ons, or just people enamored with the actor's influence and fame. They will not be actors, or anyone of equivalent power to the actor- for someone like this, look at the ally or mentor background. Followers have some useful trade or skill, and they are loyal to a fault. Such individuals can think for themselves, but they choose to stand by the actor through thick and thin. Even so, poor treatment tests the patience of even the most devoted individual; this should be kept in mind when roleplaying the relationship.

Contacts: More casual than allies, contacts are people with whom the character has developed a mutually beneficial relationship. Contacts use their talents, information, or resources to help the character, but always expect some favor in return. This favor could be a service, trade, or even payment, but it generally matches the level of the assistance. These associates don't risk themselves as far as a follower, or even an ally will, although a carefully cultivated contact can grow into one or the other over the course of the game. Each level of contacts represents a certain number of major and minor contacts. Major contacts are those with whom the character has regular dealings and are a definite part of the actor's life; minor contacts are those whom the character deals with on an as needed basis, and might be difficult to get in contact with on short notice.

Mentor: A mentor is many things: a patron, teacher, defender, and friend. The Actor's relationship with his mentor is quite different from a relationship with an ally, contact, or follower. While a mentor won't always respond to the Actor's requests for help, he always acts in the Actor's best interest (or what he considers the Actor's best interest). A mentor-student relationship is a complex and personal association that entails responsibilities on both sides. it should be the subject of involved roleplaying. The rating of this Advantage reflects the mentor's helpfulness. A minor patron is better than none (usually); a more significant mentor has a correspondingly higher rating. Even so, a low-ranking mentor can be a powerful influence in the Actor's growth.

OverworldOverworld RulesOverworld Character Creation

Page last modified on July 08, 2007, at 04:02 PM